Count me in!  Sounds very interesting. I am in Minneapolis, teaching large lectures to very diverse populations.  I have also been collecting data from my students at the beginning of every semester, asking them why they are taking this course and what their expectations are.  An overwhelming number respond they are Elementary Education majors, are required to take a physical science with lab, and think this is the easiest physical science class. Hmmm.

Don't know if you can use these data, but am happy to share. Let me know.


On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Dawes, Ralph <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
For an assignment aimed at expanding global awareness of geology and
people, I am looking for a class or two outside north central Washington
State (where I am) from which I could have my students contact
individual students, and ask some geology related questions of them.

These would be your students. I am asking for your help setting this up,
a couple of you who would be OK with asking your students if they would
mind being contacted, and then getting me the contact information.
(Email addresses would be easiest, I think, at least to make initial

This could be fun, and educational for your students, too.

My class is 23 students in a Geology 101, Introduction to Physical
Geology, at a small community college in central Washington state. Your
students need not be in the equivalent class; they could be anywhere in
grades 6-16. It would make sense that your students, like mine, be in a
geology or earth science class, which this exchange of information would

Thank you!


Dr. Ralph Dawes
Earth Sciences
Wenatchee Valley College
1300 Fifth Street
Wenatchee, WA 98801
(509) 682-6754
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