Join us for the
June 16-17, 2011
University of Michigan’s William Davidson Institute,
Ann Arbor, MI
Discover leading edge thinking in the area of entrepreneurship education,
with a focus on creating and delivering programs in the emerging markets.
- Find out about the latest trends in running successful entrepreneurship programs
- Get new tips and cutting-edge tools for enhancing your curricula
- Network and share ideas with other faculty from around the world
Topics include:
- New psychometric tools for screening entrepreneurs and targeting assistance
- Conducting needs assessments for entrepreneurship training by country
- The Entrepreneurship Method: a new teaching method to navigate the discipline of entrepreneurship
- Building a strong entrepreneurship certificate training curriculum
REGISTER BY April 15 for our special early bird fee of $450:
Join faculty from University of Michigan, Babson, UC Berkeley, Harvard, USC, UNC, University of Minnesota,
American University of Cairo, Ozyegin University, Pan-African University and many others.
Questions? Email us at: [log in to unmask]