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Greetings Colleagues,

Management and Organization Review (Volume 7, Issue 1) is now available. This special editor’s forum on Chinese Capitalism brings together four exciting articles on the topic of Chinese capitalism. What form of capitalism does China practice and what are its implications for China’s future growth? Four distinguished sociologists offer their views on these important questions. This issue also contains two interesting articles about social ties and psychological contract fulfillment along with a perspective piece on strategic human resource management.

We hope you will enjoy reading this issue’s interesting articles!

 -The MOR Editorial Team

Management and Organization Review

The International Association for Chinese Management Research

Cover image for Vol. 7 Issue 1

March 2011

Volume 7, Issue 1

From the Editors: Introducing a New Editing Team and Welcoming a New Year (pages 1–3)

Anne S. Tsui and Kwok Leung


Editor's Forum: Chinese Capitalism

Is It Capitalism? (pages 5–18)

Marshall W. Meyer


From Control to Ownership: China's Managerial Revolution (pages 19–38)

Andrew G. Walder


A New Agenda for Research on the Trajectory of Chinese Capitalism (pages 39–62)

Neil Fligstein and Jianjun Zhang


Capitalism in China: A Centrally Managed Capitalism (CMC) and Its Future (pages 63–96)

Nan Lin


Regular Articles

Where Do Social Ties Come From: Institutional Framework and Governmental Tie Distribution among Chinese Managers (pages 97–124)

Stan Xiao Li, Xiaotao Yao, Christina Sue-Chan and Youmin Xi


The Social Dilemma Perspective on Psychological Contract Fulfilment and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (pages 125–151)

Chih-Ting Shih and Shyh-jer Chen



Putting Strategic Human Resource Management in Context: A Contextualized Model of High Commitment Work Systems and Its Implications in China (pages 153–174)

Sunghoon Kim and Patrick M. Wright


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