*We've relaunched* Real Time Farms <http://www.realtimefarms.com/>! *The national* site to help you follow your food from farm to fork, whether eating in or eating out. Know where you food comes from, and feel good about the food you eat. So what's new, besides the sexy new design? (Thank you to everyone for your suggestions - they greatly informed the features we built!) - *See what’s fresh now in your town and across the country! *The front page gives you an overall picture of what’s being added in real-time! You can then go deeper, enter in your zip code, and be taken to information particular to your neck of the woods. - *Add and Search Farms, Food Artisans, Farmer Markets, and Distributors! *Add your favorites now <http://www.realtimefarms.com/>! We just make the tools to help you tell the story. (that's all free!) - *Show your support and affiliation! *You can mark you favorite farms and farmers markets as well as indicate whether or not you volunteer, farm, or manage a local farm and/or farmers market. Start adding what you know to the food guide! <http://www.realtimefarms.com/usersignup> - *Check out the oh so elusive Real Time Farms Blog<http://blog.realtimefarms.com/>(well-hidden on the last site). * - *You can explore the reasons locavores, chefs, market managers, and farmers across the country are using Real Time Farms!*<http://www.realtimefarms.com/fivereasons/users>Watch video clips, read testimonials, and most importantly, explore the tools we’ve created for you to share you’re food story with the world. Thanks for checking it out, and be sure to let us know what you think<http://www.realtimefarms.com/contact> ! Best wishes, All of us at Real Time Farms -- Cara S. Rosaen Director of Vegetable Outreach, Real Time Farms<http://www.realtimefarms.com> (734) 531-7796 [log in to unmask] We're looking to raise 15K by March 1st: http://www.realtimefarms.com/seedstarter "Make Your Veggies Famous" http://www.realtimefarms.com/teaser_video Find us at: http://twitter.com/realtimefarms http://facebook.com/realtimefarms http://realtimefarms.tumblr.com/ If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar http://list.msu.edu/archives/mich-organic.html