

Hello everyone, I am loking for a job as instructor to teach introductory 
geology classes; I have taught geology 100, geology lab, environmental geology 
and historical geology; also I have taught environmental and forensics 
chemistry, planetary sciences, and oceanography all using technology (hybrid 
classes and just on-line classes). I can teach geoscience courses for non majorr 
and majors/education and STEM education courses as well. I taught at Kansas 
State University and Turtle Mountain Community College, I received 5/5 in all my 
college evealuations and was ranked in the top 1% at the university and 
college.  I am trained in lunar and planetary sciences and Lunar certification a 
s well as in aeronautics.

If intrested please let me know and I will be more than glad to send you my 
Vitae, I am available now, my job at NASA was cut short due to budget cuts, 
thanks in advance

Tibi Marin Ed.S
ps I speak English and Spanish fluently