The journal Operations Management Research (OMR) is sponsoring a special issue on "national culture and service operations". The call for papers is attached. Deadline for submissions is December 31, 2011.
Despite the importance of the service sector in the world economy, and the increasing internationalization of services, research involving the effect of national culture on service operations has been sparse. Prasad and Babbar (Jrnl Operations Mgt 2000,pp.208-247) reviewed 548 “international operations management” articles in 28 journals published from 1986-1997. They note that “few articles on international services appeared in the set of journals reviewed” (p.229). The main topic of “service” was listed for only 14 of the 548 articles, and none of those 14 have significant cultural content. Prasad and Babbar identified 32 articles involving culture, all of which focused on manufacturing. This special issue is intended to aid in filling this gap.
This special issue is dedicated to studying the effects of national culture on the operations of service firms, or the operations of service activities within manufacturing firms (e.g., accounts payable, customer service). Topics that are of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to:
• Culture and the efficacy of offshoring services
• Service strategies for culturally diverse customers
• Quality management across cultures
• International service supply chains
• Differential worker attitudes
• Employee compliance across cultures
• Cultural issues in behavioral operations
Special issue editors:
Donna Marshall, University College Dublin
Rich Metters, Emory University
Mark Pagell, York University
Rich Metters
Associate Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management
Goizueta Business School
Emory University
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