June 30-July 3, 2011





Abstract Submission Deadline:

                                     January 20, 2011


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Submission Categories include paper, poster and symposium.


You are encouraged to submit also in the following categories:  

  • Round-table discussion: Consist of papers around a theme that will draw a focused audience.  Authors will make very short presentations (5 minutes) and open the floor for interactive discussions.
  • Teachers’ panel: Panel participants are encouraged to share their experiences in teaching cross-cultural psychology, including innovative techniques and approaches.
  • Young scholars’ panel: Newly graduated cross-cultural psychologists will discuss current issues, challenges and opportunities in research, teaching and applications of cross-cultural psychology.


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New on the Conference Webpage (www.iaccp2011.org):

  • First Ph.D. Regional Summer School 
  • Pre-Conference Workshops: (a) Mixed methods in cross-cultural research, (b) Scientific mindfulness in cross-cultural research
  • Accommodation options (wide range of hotels in walking distance to the Congress Venue)





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