Universidad EAFIT
School of Business Administration
Department of International Business
Lecturer/ Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor
Universidad EAFIT was founded in 1960 as
Colombia's first business school and since then it has grown into a
university with more than 22,000 students pertaining to 17 undergraduate, 82
graduate (Masters and Graduate Diplomas) and 2 PhD programs.
The Department of International Business
offers Colombia's leading undergraduate International Business program with
over 1,300 students. It also offers a Master in International Business (MIB)
and the IB department is a forerunner in International Business research in
the country. To expand its international full-time staff of 15 full time
members, the Department is opening new academic positions starting in July
Candidates should have received their PhD or be near completion in a
business-related field and have a demonstrated track record of publications
and teaching in the areas of international business. Excellent English
communication skills are a must and Spanish language abilities a plus.
The newly recruited academic is expected to teach international business
courses in English at the undergraduate and graduate levels and to undertake
research in international business. Publication in top-tier journals is
expected and supported.
Potential candidates should email a CV and letter of interest describing
research and teaching interests, by March 21st 2011 at the latest, to:
Assoc. Prof. Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez (PhD)
Head of Department of International Business
Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 No. 7 Sur 50
Medellin, Colombia (South America)
Tel.: +574-2619500 ext. 9431/9840
Fax: +574-2664284
Email: [log in to unmask]
Prof. Asoc. Maria Alejandra GONZALEZ-PEREZ (MBS, PhD)
Jefe del departamento de Negocios Internacionales
Directora del Grupo de Investigación en Estudios Internacionales
Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 No. 7 Sur 50, bloque 26 - Oficina 609
Teléfono: +57 4 2619500 ext. 9431/9840
Fax: +57 4 2664284
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
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