

Call for Papers for a Special issue of IJITM on Knowledge Sharing within Knowledge Intensive Organizations


The role that knowledge plays in an organization first became a focus of attention in the mid 1990s. Although the topic became a focus of critical attention, there have been few attempts to reassess the topic of knowledge sharing and knowledge-intensive organizations in the light of modern technologies and current organizational forms. What has changed since this early work was published and what remains unchanged?


Articles for this special issue of IJITM might include those that examine the problems associated with sharing knowledge, the role that knowledge sharing plays in such organizations or the nature of the knowledge sharing itself. The common theme for all of the articles is that they should attempt to place insights gained from current theory and practice within the framework of previous work in the area.


All articles will be double-blind reviewed, however, if authors would like feedback on the suitability of their proposed article they may send a short (1 page) abstract to [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask] for feedback .


Key Dates

Submission of paper for review:

29 April, 2011

Comments from referees:

1 July, 2011

Submission of revised paper:

15 September, 2011


Further information



Chris Kimble

Associate Professor of Management Information Systems and Strategy

Tél. +33 (0)4 91 82 79 87 – Fax. +33 (0)4 91 82 79 83

Euromed Logo

Personal web site:


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