


AIB 2011 Annual Meeting 
Nagoya, Japan
June 24-28, 2011

Call for Reviewers


Dear AIB-L Subscriber: 


I am writing to ask whether you would be willing to serve as a member of The Program Review Committee for the 2011 Annual AIB Meeting to be held in Nagoya, Japan from June 24 to June 28, 2011. If you agree, please expect to receive 2 or 3 papers for review by late January and to return them by February 15, 2011. 


As usual, manuscripts and panel proposals will be submitted directly to each track via the AIB online submission system <>  . The submission system is now open and the deadline for the submission of all manuscripts and proposals is January 17, 2011. 


As with the submission of papers, signing up to serve as a reviewer will be managed on the web. Being a reviewer is a very important and critical role to play and we invite you to actively participate in the 2011 program. Last year, over 1,000 people reviewed the manuscripts. If you have previously participated as a reviewer we encourage you to register again this year, which I am hopeful and certain you will, and we invite new reviewers to join. Also please circulate this message to whomever you think would be able and willing to contribute. As in the past years, the Track Chairs will also identify the best reviewers. The Best Reviewer for each track will be recognized at the conference in Nagoya, as well as the AIB Newsletter. 


To volunteer as a reviewer, please visit:

Please remember that you will have to choose a track in which you would like to review papers. This year's tracks are as follows: 


1.	Institutions, Governance, and CSR
2.	International Marketing Management and Supply Chain
3.	IB Theory, FDI, and Entry Mode
4.	Global Strategy, Alliances, and Competitiveness
5.	MNC Management and Organization
6.	Innovation and Knowledge Management
7.	Doing Business in Emerging Economies
8.	Developing Country Multinational Companies
9.	Cross-cultural Management and International HRM
10.	International Economics, Finance and Accounting
11.	SMEs, Entrepreneurship, and Born Global
12.	Special Track: Teaching International Business
13.	Special Track: International Business Research Methods


Descriptions of these tracks and identifying keywords and phrases can be found in the 2011 Call for Papers <> . 


I do hope that you will find the time to assist us with this most important review process, and consider submitting a paper or panel proposal yourself. The quality of our meetings critically depends on both your input and your presence for which we are most grateful. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to seeing you in Nagoya! 



Shige Makino
Program Chair, AIB 2011 Annual Meeting
Department of Management
Chinese University of Hong Kong
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