Dear AIB Members, FIU CIBER is proud to announce our 2011 PDIB Mercosur Program. This program will explore how Brazil, Argentina, and Chile are dealing with the global economic crisis and how the "change" in the U.S. will affect bilateral relations and the regional trading block. The program will expose U.S. business professional and faculty members to the social, political, economic, and business environments that exist in South America. Topics include national economic reforms and adjustments, the opening of markets to the global economy, regional integration as a basis for global competition, the impact of these domestic changes on commerce with the US, and both regional and country specific business practices. You can learn more about this program at our website: If you have any questions about this program, please contact our office through e-mail at [log in to unmask] or by telephone at (305) 348-1740. Thank you, FIU CIBER Florida International University 11200 S.W. 8th ST, RB 354b Miami, FL 33199 ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.