

2011 Michigan Organic Conference - Keeping the Local in Organic

Ideas for presenters, topics and programming are being accepted for “Keeping
the Local in Organic” – the theme of the 2011 Michigan Organic Conference
(MOC) to be held March 4 and 5 at the Kellogg Conference Center on Michigan
State University’s campus.

Mark Kastel of the Cornucopia Institute ( is the keynote
presenter at the event, which is sponsored by the Michigan Food and Farm
Alliance (MOFFA).

Friday, March 4 activities include an afternoon MSU Research Report Session
and an evening social event - the Taste of Michigan - with food and live
music.  The Taste of Michigan will be held at the Hannah Center in East

Saturday’s full day of program and trade show at the MSU Kellogg Center will
include three one-hour slots for six concurrent sessions and the keynote
presentation. Lunch will be at the newly renovated MSU Brody Hall Dining
Facility with a wide variety of freshly prepared food and networking with
supporters and suppliers of the organic farming community.

We encourage contributions of ideas for presentation topics and speakers
from those who want to be part of the program or have recommendations.
Please contact John Biernbaum at [log in to unmask]

Presentations can address the range of Michigan organic agriculture
production, marketing and processing as well as topics related to organic
certification, new and young farmer development, community food systems,
health and nutrition, urban agriculture, and farming and environment related
policy and politics. We are also considering a “Featured Organic Farmer”
Track to hear what makes organic farms successful.

If you have suggestions about local organic food available for Friday
evening, Saturday lunch, breaks and the Saturday Taste of Michigan, please
contact Tim Fischer at [log in to unmask]

Last year we were able to provide scholarships for 24 young farmers thanks
to the generous contribution of George and Anne Bird.  Please contact John
Biernbaum, MOFFA MOC Scholarship Coordinator, if you would like to make a
contribution to fund one or more student scholarships ($50 per student).

Timothy R. Fischer

Deputy Policy Director
Michigan Environmental Council

119 Pere Marquette Dr., Suite 2A
Lansing, MI 48912

Phone: 517-487-9539
Direct: 517-487-3606 ext. 22
Fax: 517-487-9541

Email: [log in to unmask]

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