


The number of student credit hours taught in our geosciences departments is often dominated by those offered in introductory courses for non-majors.  I am surveying (see link below) those who teach these introductory courses to better understand the range of how these courses are designed, prepared, delivered and assessed.  

I would very much appreciate your participation in this brief survey.  If there is someone else in your department who is more appropriate for this survey please pass this message on to them.  All information received will be treated as confidential.
Survey Link:

Thank you,
Perry Samson
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    	Perry J. Samson 		
	Associate Chair & Arthur F. Thurnau Professor                     
    	Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences             
    	1539 Space Research Building	734-763-6234  [office]        
    	University of Michigan            	734-936-0503  [fax]           
    	Ann Arbor, Michigan  48109-2143            