------ Forwarded Message From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <[log in to unmask]> Organization: Venaura Farm Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]> Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 14:12:03 -0500 To: Sustainable Group <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Re: [SANET-MG] SB.510 status update On 11/19/2010 1:13 PM, Lawrence F. London, Jr. wrote: http://www.naturalnews.com/030441_food_safety_Senate_bill.html And the critical paragraph in this page, without lobbying is: "(NaturalNews) At 10:30 today, the U.S. Senate picks up its debate on the issue of S.510, the "Food Safety and Modernization Act" which is really a wolf in sheep's clothing. It would grant the FDA new, tyrannical powers that could be used to criminalize backyard gardening, outlaw saving seeds, imprison people who sell raw milk and oppress food freedom throughout the country." Yet more on S510 from Food Democracy Now: Food Democracy Now | Mayhem on the Hill, Big Ag Declares War on Food Safety http://action.fooddemocracynow.org [I am leaving off the link to this article to comply with the rules of Sanet but the following paragraph in the article is worth reading for an update on progress of the bill:] "Yesterday family farmers won an historic victory when a compromise was reached on the Tester Amendment that offered protections for family-scale farm operations. Now Big Ag is throwing a tantrum and is desperately trying to kill the landmark Food Safety Modernization Act. Even worse, Senator Coburn (R-OK) is playing chicken with the American people's health by demanding a ridiculous amendment to ban earmark spending through 2013. America can no longer endure inaction on this important piece of legislation! Each year more than 5,000 people die and 76 million are sickened from foodborne outbreaks." <><> And obviously 99.9999% of which: "Each year more than 5,000 people die and 76 million are sickened from foodborne outbreaks." is caused by large corporate farms, not small farmers, backyard gardeners, farmers market vendors and individuals involved in direct sales of farm products. And: > > I neither condemn nor agree with any comments by anyone, anywhere, at anytime. Hopefully that is PC enough. > > Me too on that. That again for me. LL ******************************************************** To unsubscribe from SANET-MG: 1- Visit http://lists.sare.org/archives/sanet-mg.html to unsubscribe or; 2- Send a message to <[log in to unmask]> from the address subscribed to the list. Type "unsubscribe sanet-mg" in the body of the message. Visit the SANET-MG archives at: http://lists.sare.org/archives/sanet-mg.html. Questions? Visit http://www.sare.org/about/sanetFAQ.htm. For more information on grants and other resources available through the SARE program, please visit http://www.sare.org. This listserv is maintained by SARE Outreach as a service to the agricultural community. Views expressed herein are solely the responsibility of the poster and do not reflect the opinions or policies of SARE or the USDA. ------ End of Forwarded Message If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar http://list.msu.edu/archives/mich-organic.html