If you would like to access a searchable archive of the all the previous Mich-Organic listserv postings copy this URL and paste in your browser address field http://list.msu.edu/archives/mich-organic.html
mber 14, 2010) Consumer Trends featuring Allen Williams, Tallgrass Beef and Kerry Smith, USDA Ag Marketing Services.Session 2: (January 11, 2011) Meat Inspection, Beef Carcass Breakdown, and Value Beef Cuts featuring Jeannine Schweihofer, MSUE.
Session 3: (February 8, 2011) Introduction to Beef Quality Terminology & Beef Pricing featuring Jeannine Schweihofer, Kevin Gould, and Jerry Lindquist MSUE. What are they looking for? Michigan Packer Panel
Session 4: (March 15, 2011) Producer Success Stories:
- Kentucky Cooperative – Bob Perry, University of Kentucky
- Michigan Beef Producers Selling Direct – PanelResources for Producers: An Introduction to the MSU Product Center - Brenda Reau, MSUE
Host Sites Include (For more details http://beef.msu.edu/):
- Lapeer County MSUE
- St. Joseph County MSUE
- Gladwin County MSUE
- Lake City MSU Experiment Station
- Ionia Interm School District
- Monroe County MSUE
- Delta County MSUE
- Ontanogan County
- Personal Computer - Your Location
How to Register: Registrations due December 7, 2010. Cost: $15/session or all 4 sessions for $50. No refunds available after December 7. Print off registration form at http://beef.msu.edu/. Send Registrations to: Carla McLachlan1290 Anthony Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824.
Creating Michigan Culinary Destinations, Michigan's First Conference on Culinary Tourism
When: January 10, 2011
Where: Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, East Lansing, MI
Why: "Foodies" often plan their travel experiences around authentic, educational and entertaining food and beverage experiences. Come learn how you can tap into the growing Culinary Tourism segment of the travel market. The conference will provide opportunities to interact and form partnerships among food producers, chefs, restaurateurs, visitor bureaus, wineries, breweries, tour operators, hotels, and others wanting to market their business as a culinary destination. Lunch speaker: Ari Weinzweig, CEO and co-founding partner of Zingerman’s in Ann Arbor, MI.
How: Early Registration Rate is $50 ($75 after Dec. 22) and includes continental breakfast, lunch and a closing reception. Registration is limited to 150 registrants. Visit http://www.michiganwines.com/CulinaryTourism for conference details and online registration.) 677-0503, F
ax: (734) 677-2407
Midwest Fruit IPM Course for consultants, extension agents and NRCS staff
In-depth course offered to train new Fruit IPM coaches and consultants to fill a growing need in the Midwest. Please read the brochure for the Midwest Fruit IPM Course scheduled to begin January 2011 for more information. Seeking participants who can attend four sessions.
Part 1, held in Madison, WI from January 10-14, will cover the basics of Fruit IPM in the Midwest, business planning, and the NRCS conservation programs requiring IPM plans. During Part 2 participants will attend the Michigan State Tree Fruit School; held from January 24-26 in Hickory Corners, Michigan. In Part 3, held at various farms in Wisconsin June 22-24, participants will gain experience in the field with growers and learn about biocontrols; effective use of spray equipment, and early season pests and diseases. Part 4, held at various farms in Wisconsin July 13-15, will provide participants with more field experiences with late season pests and diseases as well as extensive work on writing IPM plans for both growers and NRCS.Candidates
Seeking candidates with flexible schedules that will allow them to fully participate in all sessions. Candidates should be professionals with crop consulting experience. Candidates should be interested in gaining knowledge that they will then apply in the field. This knowledge will include the skills necessary to assist farmers in implementing IPM on their farms as well as the ability to write IPM plans for farmers and NRCS Conservation Programs (EQIP and CAP). Interested in individuals who are crop consultants interested in expanding their services to include fruit; new Fruit IPM consultants, County Conservationists; and Extension and NRCS field staff.How to register: Cost: $100, some meals, lodging, and course material is provided depending on the session (see the brochure for more details). Course is limited to 20 participants on a first come, first served basis. No on-site registration permitted. Print off registration brochure at http://www.new-ag.msu.edu/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=EV%2bnFFcGNWE%3d&tabid=37.
For more information contact Jane Kleven 608-262-5200, [log in to unmask]
or Regina Hirsch 608-265-3637, [log in to unmask]
Event announcement found at the New Agriculture Network web site http://www.new-ag.msu.edu/.
Educational Resources
GrowingProduce.com a Great Educational Resource
Check out GrowingProduce.com for:
News on:
- Industry
- Fruit
- Vegetables
Production Information on:
Marketing on:
- Crop Protection
- Organic
- Nutrition
- Food Safety
- Irrigation
- Traceability
- Farmers Market
- Wholesale
Also Featuring: Events, Growers Reorganization and an Opinion column.
Part-time Organic Educator for the Ohio Ecological Farm Association
Location: Columbus, OH (may involve occasional travel)
Position Description: The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association are seeking a part-time (25 hours/week) Organic Educator beginning in February of 2011. The Organic Educator will be responsible for providing direct technical assistance to organic farmers with various levels of experience and for developing and implementing educational programming work (workshops, webinars, field days) focusing on organic production. The Organic Educator reports to the Education Program Director.
Salary: $15-$16/hr (depending on qualifications). Benefits include health insurance, sick leave, and paid time off. .
Responsibilities of the position include:
- Help organic and aspiring organic farmers by answering questions and providing informational resources
- Design and implement various organic education programs, including workshops and webinars
- Design and administer OEFFA’s summer farm tours series
- Facilitate a farmer-to-farmer knowledge network to connect farmers with information needs to those who can help them
- Serve as liaison between OEFFA and various other organizations, including OSU-Extension’s Sustainable Agriculture Team, NRCS, OPGMA, and others
- Coordinate OEFFA’s apprenticeship program
- Provide occasional contributions to OEFFA’s newsletter
- Assist with publicity of OEFFA’s programs
- Oversee organic production content on the OEFFA website
- As needed, assist in writing grants for organic education programs
Qualifications: Seeking someone with both the education and the experience to outstandingly perform the duties of this position. Interested in an individual who has deep personal knowledge of organic production, is adept at locating appropriate information resources, has an appreciation both for farmer knowledge and a respect for scientific research, and who also has the administrative and organizational skills to successfully develop, promote, and implement formal educational programs.
Qualifications include:
- Background and experience in organic crop or horticultural production is essential; additional background in organic livestock production highly desirable.
- Minimally, a B.S. or B.A. in natural sciences, environmental education, agriculture, or related area.
- A highly dependable understanding of the National Organic standards.
- Proven excellent oral and written communication skills.
- Previous experience in a non-profit setting.
- Previous experience working with farmers.
- The ability to work well with OEFFA personnel, members, and the public.
- Flexibility and openness in dealing with changing events and priorities.
- Organization, planning, and project management skills.
How to Apply: Applications consist of cover letter, resume, and names of three references (indicate relationship). Electronically submitted applications (preferred) should be addressed to Carol Goland, Executive Director, and submitted to [log in to unmask], or mail your application to Carol Goland, OEFFA, 41 Croswell, Columbus, OH 43214. For questions, contact Carol Goland at 614.421‐2022. Review of applications will begin on Dec. 28, with interviews to be held early January. Candidates should be prepared to begin by February 10, 2011.
Graduate Assistantship in Department of Horticulture at Purdue UniversityA graduate assistantship (Ph.D.) is available for a student interested in studying organic vegetable production in the Department of Horticulture at Purdue University. Research will focus on the relationship between soil-improving management practices and tomato varieties on plant health and productivity. The research is part of a larger multidisciplinary project, so the selected student should be prepared to interact with a diverse group of faculty and students from multiple departments within the College of Agriculture. Applicants should have a strong academic record, prior field and lab experience, and a demonstrated interest in organic and sustainable agriculture.
For more information about this opportunity, contact Lori Hoagland, via e-mail ([log in to unmask]). Please provide a cover letter outlining research interests, professional goals and prior experience; a resume or CV, contact information for least 3 references. If you would like to access a searchable archive of the all the previous Mich-Organic listserv postings copy this URL and paste in your browser address field http://list.msu.edu/archives/mich-organic.html