

Hi Bev,
Thank you for expressing your interest. It may take awhile to get this
put together, but I like what you are saying about how the results could
be very useful for high school students such as those in your class. By
the way, Meeker must be a really great place for going to local field
sites, if time and budgets allow, for learning geology from actual
Ralph Dawes 
Earth Sciences
Wenatchee Valley College 
1300 Fifth Street 
Wenatchee, WA 98801 
(509) 682-6754 
[log in to unmask] 
From: Bev DeVore-Wedding [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 10:11 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Creating a Geology 101 Digital Textbook as an Open
Educational Resource
As a high school teacher, I too would be interested.  Our Physical
Geology course is for upper level students who have already had a basic
earth science course.  I might not use all of it but it would be a great
Bev DeVore-Wedding
Meeker High School
550 School Street, P.O.Box 159
Meeker CO 81641-0159
970.878.9070 ext. 330

"It is impossible to teach without the courage to try a thousand times
before giving up." Paulo Freire