

 Protect tomatoes in the greenhouse from late blight by Mary Ha*usbeck, Dept
of Plant Pathology, MSU*

Late blight is a disease that most commonly affects potatoes, but can affect
tomatoes (and sometimes petunias) when the weather is cool, rainy and humid.
The pathogen is called *Phytophthora infestans* and is well-known to potato
growers. Late blight was very troublesome in 2009 for tomato and potato
growers in regions that had an especially wet spring followed by an
unusually cool and wet summer. Late blight symptoms include blighting on all
aboveground parts of the tomato plant. Lesions on leaves often appear dark
and oily with production of sporangia (a.k.a. seeds of the pathogen)
occurring on the undersides of the leaves, resulting in a whitish/purplish
appearance especially when conditions are wet and humid. These sporangia can
be carried long distances from diseased plants to nearby healthy plants via
wind currents and storm fronts. Blackened lesions on the stems also occur
and are typical of late blight disease. Late blight affects green and ripe
tomato fruit. The blighting on the fruit appears as dark, greasy areas that
enlarge rapidly, encompassing the entire fruit. During wet and humid
conditions, white masses (sporangia and threads) of the late blight pathogen
can be seen on the diseased leaves and fruit.

Between cropping seasons, this fungal-like mold survives on volunteer and
abandoned potatoes in cull piles. The potato pathologist from MSU, Dr.
Willie Kirk, has reported that 2010 is turning out to be a very bad
volunteer year for potato tubers that are emerging in fields that had late
blight last year. Control measures include eliminating all potato and/or
tomato cull piles and destroying volunteer potato plants that grow from
overwintered tubers. Infected potato plants established from diseased seed
potatoes are another source of late blight.

Each year, tomato transplants growing in the greenhouse environment should
be routinely protected with fungicides because they are vulnerable to a
number of diseases including *Botrytis*, *Alternaria*, *Septoria *and three
types of bacterial blight. Given the increase of late blight occurrences in
the United States over the last year, it is imperative that greenhouse
tomato transplants (and petunias) also be protected against late blight.
Although late blight does not overwinter in Michigan on diseased tomatoes,
late blight spores can develop on nearby cull or volunteer potatoes and blow
into greenhouses and cause infection on susceptible crops. Tomatoes
represent the largest group of greenhouse-grown, late blight-susceptible
crops. However, in years past, petunias have served as a host of late blight
in other regions of the United States.

Use a copper-based organic approved fungicide to help reduce the infection
level but be sure to apply on a consistent basis and follow directions

This article by Dr. Mary Hausbeck was posted on June 1, 2010 at *
*   <>

*We edited the article to remove references to fungicides not appropriate
for organic systems and we added the recommendation to use a copper-based
organic-approved fungicide.*


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