

This is a great way to see how different cover crops grow in Michigan. Also a good chance to talk to farmers and extension educators about cover crop selection, sourcing seed, growing and building your soil. Hope you can join us on April 14

Cover Crops or Forages?

Cost: $5 per person or $10 per farm, whichever is less.

Location:just west of the intersection of Plains Road and Tuttle Road in Mason, MI

Join us on April 14 as we discuss how fertilizer-saving and soil quality-enhancing cover crops can also be an excellent source of high-quality forage from mid-summer late into the fall and extremely early in the spring!  This event begins at 3:00 p.m. just east of the intersection of Plains Road and Tuttle Road in Mason, MI.  We will have an interactive tour of a replicated cover crop research plot that was established in wheat stubble in August of 2009.  Species in these plots include:

  *   Radish
  *   Annual ryegrass
  *   Crimson clover
  *   Fall rye
  *   Oats
  *   Austrian winter peas
  *   Field (spring) peas
  *   Spring and fall triticale

*       Grass pea

*        Turnips

*       Various combinations of the above

To register, please call Connie at 517-676-7207 or e-mail [log in to unmask]

Presented by Ingham County MSU Extension
We look forward to seeing you there!
Michigan State University Ingham County Extension
Daniel Hudson-Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

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