

This conference if for you if you are thinking that selling fresh food to schools and institutions may be in your future market plan. Note that there are 2 sessions that focus on this in the March 25 at the Growing Our Food System, Nourishing Our People. The event will be held at the Lansing Community College-West Campus and the reg fee is only $5.00. to register go to or call me and I can help you register on line. Here is the agenda for that day: Hope you can attend.

Growing our Food System: Nourishing Our People

March 25, 2010

Events of the Day


Time                                      Activity                                                                                                

8:00 – 8:30                            Registration                                     


8:30 – 9:15                           Multi-sector conversations - Meet people working in other ‘sectors’ of the food system. 


9:15 – 10:30                        The Mid-Michigan Food System – Mike Hamm C.S. Mott Professor of Sustainable Agriculture

Food Security in the Region – Terry Link, Executive Director of the Greater Lansing Food Bank


10:30 – 10:45                      Break


10:45 – 12:15                      Inspirational Models

·         Food Bank, Soup Kitchen, Garden Partnership –W. DeWayne Wells, Gleaners Community Food Bank President; Patrick Crouch, Capuchin Soup Kitchen’s Earthworks Farm Program Manager

·         Educational Farm -Melissa Hornaday, Giving Tree Farm Manager

·         Produce Distribution - Eric Hahn, Founder of Locavore Food Distributors 


12:15 – 1:00                        Lunch


1:00 -  2: 30                          Break out sessions

Option #1: Pantry Innovations

v  Likely Topics – models, emerging trends, new ideas and approaches to bring in fresh food/produce

v  Likely Participants - Pantry volunteers and workers


Option #2: Locally Grown Food for Local People

v  Likely Topics - Connecting local farms with local institutions, markets, retailers, etc.

v  Likely Participants – Growers, farmers, distributors, institutional food service managers


Option #3: Food in Community

v  Likely Topics - urban agriculture and community development, farmers markets, grocery store and corner store improvements, community gardens, pocket parks, etc.

v  Likely Participants – urban food activists, neighborhood center staff, neighborhood organizers, market managers, urban gardeners


Option #4: Investment and Policy-making

v  Likely Topicspolicy changes, investment opportunities

v  Likely Participants – educators, policymakers, elected officials, health professionals, community development professionals, planners


2:30 – 2:45                           Break


2:45 – 3:30                           Reporting Out from Break Out Sessions


3:30 – 4:00                           Closing Remarks from Terry Link



Vicki Morrone

303 Natural Resources Bldg

C.S. Mott Group

Dept of CARRS

East Lansing, MI 48824

517-353-3542/517-282-3557 (cell)

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