
A few of us have toyed with idea of a Gordon conference for Geoscience Education and Geocognition Research. I thought some of you might be interested in the series that physcis education has been doing for a number of years. Here is the latest on lab science.

Take care

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From: "Singh, Chandralekha" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: February 2, 2010 12:36:10 AM GMT-05:00
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Announcement: Gordon Conference on Physics Research and Education: Experimental Research and Labs in Physics Education
Reply-To: "RPE: Researchers in Physics Education" <[log in to unmask]>

The 2010 Gordon Research Conference on Physics Research and Education, the sixth in this series of conferences, will focus on the expanding and deepening role of and connection between experimental research and laboratories in physics instruction, with particular emphasis on undergraduate education. The purpose of this conference is to have a serious discussion about cutting-edge experimental research in physics and physics education and laboratories in physics education. We will discuss how students' learning experiences can be leveraged by incorporating contemporary research in physics and physics education. The format of the conference-which will include invited plenary sessions, contributed poster presentations, and generous amounts of unscheduled time for informal discussions-is specially designed to promote dialogue and cross-fertilization of ideas between educators and researchers at the forefront of their fields, including researchers in physics education.
College and university faculty, research associates (postdocs), laboratory-based physics textbook authors, curriculum and educational material developers, and graduate and undergraduate students are invited to participate.

Please advertise the conference to your colleagues. This is an important venue for revisiting important issues concerning physics education. Its success will be determined by the level of participation from our community.

Applications for this conference must be submitted by May 16, 2010.


Chandralekha Singh & Enrique J. Galvez

Vice Chair:
Peter Shaffer