

The Michigan Department of Agriculture's Office of Communications is
preparing info for our FaceBook page on a "Michigan Thanksgiving" and
would like to include info about where to get fresh Michigan turkeys.
If anyone produces fresh turkeys (even if you don't have any left this
year), or knows of someone who does, please send your info or a link to
your Web page to Jennifer Holton at [log in to unmask] and cc: me.
Please indicate whether you have any still left this year or not and how
the general public can place orders.  We'll use what we can for this
year, and use the list to build a better list for next year.


Jeanne M. Hausler
Agricultural Tourism & Outreach Manager
Michigan Department of Agriculture
Fairs, Exhibitions & Racing Division
P.O. Box 30017
Lansing, MI 48909
517/242-2961 cell
517/241-4217 fax
[log in to unmask]

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