

Innovative and effective approaches to field teaching in the Geosciences -


The Innovative and effective approaches to field teaching in the geosciences
symposium is part of the Educational and Outreach Symposia at the General
Assembly 2010 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), to be held in Vienna,


This session aims to provide a forum for geoscientists to discuss innovative
and effective means of teaching in the field that can help enthuse future
generations of researchers. In addition to contributions on conventional
field courses for undergraduate or postgraduate students, presentations
relating to the application of virtual fieldwork and multimedia resources,
for example as additional components to the curriculum or in pre field
course planning, are also encouraged.


Organiser:       European Geosciences Union (EGU)

Dates:              02 - 07 May 2010

Location:         Vienna, Austria


More information about the General Assembly 2010 of the European Geosciences
Union (EGU) including the Educational and Outreach Symposia can be found at: 




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Personal & Professional Development in Higher Education


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