Rudy- we dodged another bullet - we live another day.

John Matlock, PhD
Associate Vice Provost 
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice-President
Director, Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives
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The University of Michigan
3009 SAB Building/OAMI
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1316
734.936.1055 Fax: 734.764.3595

For schedulingContact: Carol Williams
734.936.1055  ([log in to unmask])

On Oct 30, 2009, at 1:27 PM, Redmond, Rudy (DELEG) wrote:

The Governor signed the Higher Education Bill earlier today. No unexpected consequences for KCP.  Specific information for the 6 KCP programs will be forthcoming starting the week of November 2. 2009.