Michael Wysession, Washington University and I hope to conveen the session below at GSA 2009 in Porland. We hope that you might consider submitting any talks related to promoting Earth science literacy broadly to the public or through the K-12 or undergraduate systems.
Number in Call for Papers: T107
Title: Promoting Literacy About Earth System Science Concepts
Session Type: Oral
Scientific Categories: Geoscience Education, Public Policy, Geoscience Information/Communication
Sponsor: National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Rationale: Scarcity of energy resources, workforce development,
and international competitiveness are all compelling reasons to promote
Earth system science literacy. There is also a need for an informed
public to make decisions about politically- charged topics such as
climate change and evolution. Multiple documents that define the main
themes and supporting concepts underpinning ocean, atmospheric, and
earth science provide the scientific and education communities with a
valuable tool. These documents have been used to design museum
exhibits, write textbooks and curricula, and to communicate a unified
message to the public. We hope to continue the dialogue about how the
geoscience community can build upon the momentum of these efforts.
Nicole LaDue
Earth Science Literacy Initiative Organizing Committee
Michigan State University starting 8/09
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