We wish to bring your attention to a topical session that we are organizing for the GSA Annual Meeting in Portland this coming October:
T98. Earth Science in Place-Based Teaching (Posters)
National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT); GSA Geoscience Education Division
Participants will share ideas on using geographically diverse "places" as contexts for teaching Earth science. Place-based teaching cultivates local knowledge and encourages the appreciation of landscapes. The "place" approach also incorporates important cultural and aesthetic insights.
Geoscience Education; Environmental Geoscience; Geoscience Information/Communication
This is a poster session, which enables you to take advantage of GSA's two-abstract policy: "You may present two volunteered abstracts during the Annual Meeting, as long as one of these abstracts is a poster presentation."
If this trans-disciplinary topic interests you, please consider submitting an abstract! You can access the online submission form at http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2009AM/cfp.epl. The abstract submission deadline is midnight EDT, Tuesday, 11 August 2009.
Thank you,