


News Release


Contact:  Mario L. Morrow


Jennifer M. Granholm, Governor <> 

Stanley "Skip" Pruss, Director
Email: [log in to unmask]




State of Michigan and Michigan State University Sign Historic Letter of

MSU to Host DELEG's King-Chavez-Parks Future Faculty Fellows Conference

for Next Three Years


July 8, 2009 - Emphasizing the importance of graduate education to
Michigan's economic viability globally, Department of Energy, Labor &
Economic Growth (DELEG) Director Stanley "Skip" Pruss today announced
the signing of a Letter of Agreement with the Graduate School at
Michigan State University (MSU) to host the state's annual
King-Chavez-Parks Future Faculty Fellows Conference (KCP FFF).  The
conference will be held jointly with the Michigan Alliance for Graduate
Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) each fall for the next three


"KCP and the Future Faculty Fellows programs have been effective in
achieving higher education for all of our citizens that is vital to
Michigan's ability to compete globally in research and development,
jobs, and entrepreneurship," said Pruss.  "We're thrilled to have MSU as
host because of its high distinction of membership in the Association of
American Universities, and as a major Big Ten research-intensive
university, participants will be offered an even broader range of
workshops for career advancement."  


The Martin Luther King, Jr. -- Cesar Chavez -- Rosa Parks (KCP)
Initiative's Future Faculty Fellowship (FFF) Program provides funds and
fellowship awards through the annual higher Education Appropriations Act
to Michigan's 15 public universities to increase the pool of candidates
pursuing masters or doctoral degrees for postsecondary faculty teaching
careers.  The Future Faculty Fellowship Program was created by the
Michigan State Legislature in 1986 as part of the larger KCP Initiative
and has been renewed annually largely due to its success of stimulating
college graduation rates among academically and economically
underrepresented students and increasing the number of faculty and
administrators in Michigan's colleges and universities. A featured
experience for future faculty fellows is an annual conference for
networking, and academic, career, and professional development.


The Letter of Agreement was signed by Rudy Redmond, Manager,
King-Chavez-Parks Initiative, Office of Lifelong Learning, Bureau of
Workforce Programs, DELEG; Karen Klomparens, Dean, Graduate School and
Associate Provost for Graduate Education, MSU; and Kim Wilcox, Provost,
MSU. The agreement is contingent on the State of Michigan's continued
financial and personnel support for the KCP Future Faculty Fellows


An important part of the agreement is that the KCP Future Faculty
Fellowship Conference will be held in conjunction with MSU's annual
Michigan AGEP Alliance (MAA) Fall Conference of the Michigan Alliance
for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), a collaboration
between MSU, the University of Michigan, Wayne State University, and
Western Michigan University.  MSU currently hosts the annual MAA Fall
Conference that features concurrent workshops tailored to different
stages of academic professional development, from the graduate admission
process to early-career faculty mentoring.  


"By collaborating with MSU and the Michigan AGEP Alliance we will
significantly increase the attendance of future faculty fellows and
offer the unique opportunity for them to interact across broadened
disciplinary lines," said Pruss. 


The Michigan AGEP Alliance involves STEM disciplines (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) whereas the Future Faculty
Fellowship Program has traditionally focused on disciplines relating to
SBE (Social, Behavioral and Economic), humanities, and education.


"MSU Graduate School looks forward to hosting this conference and to the
enhanced collaboration between the State of Michigan and the graduate
programs in Michigan's public universities," said Karen Klomparens.
"Both the students and the state will benefit from this partnership."


KCP and the Future Faculty Fellowship programs align with Gov. Jennifer
M. Granholm's goal of doubling the number of Michigan citizens who
graduate from college over the next 10 years and are consistent with
recommendations set forth in Lt. Gov. Cherry's Commission on Higher
Education & Economic Growth.


The Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth (DELEG) is investing
in Michigan's future by preparing for the new energy economy, helping to
create the jobs of today and tomorrow, ensuring that our children and
adults have the skills these jobs demand, making Michigan a better place
to do business, and training and placing those who need jobs now.




Rudy Redmond

Manager, KCP Initiative

(517) 373-9700