(We apologize if this message is coming to you in multiple mailings!)

We wish to bring your attention to a topical session that we are organizing for the GSA Annual Meeting in Portland this coming October:
T98: Earth Science in Place-Based Teaching (Poster Session)
Participants will share ideas on using geographically diverse "places" as contexts for teaching Earth science. Place-based teaching cultivates local knowledge and encourages the appreciation of landscapes. The "place" approach also incorporates important cultural and aesthetic insights.”  The session is sponsored by NAGT and the GSA GED.

This is a poster session, which enables you to take advantage of GSA's two-abstract policy: "You may present two volunteered abstracts during the Annual Meeting, as long as one of these abstracts is a poster presentation."

If this trans-disciplinary topic interests you, please consider submitting an abstract!  You can access the online submission form at http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2009AM/cfp.epl.  The abstract submission deadline is midnight EDT, Tuesday, 11 August 2009.

Thank you,
Kip Ault, Lewis and Clark College  [log in to unmask]
Steve Semken, Arizona State University  [log in to unmask]