

1.      Tentative schedule for the Mid-Michigan Grazing Group.

May 12: MSU Forage Variety Trials

Late-May: Grass-based dairy (Clinton County)?

June: Sheep on pasture (Charlotte, MI)

July: Grass-fed beef, summer annual forages (Mason, MI)

August: KBS Grazing Dairy with a robotic milker

September: Organically managed pastures, grass-based dairy (Ionia County)

October: Grazing cover crops (red clover, peas, oats, others): Ingham County

November-December: late-season grazing options: TBD

This schedule is open to change.

3.      MSU Forage Variety Trial Plot Tour

Don’t throw your money away by buying forage seed for varieties that are not
right for your pasture/hay production system. Join us Wednesday, May 6, 2009
from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at MSU’s Agronomy Farm, as we examine experimental plots
of: alfalfa, potato-leafhopper resistant alfalfa, falcate alfalfa, perennial
ryegrass, orchardgrass, tall fescue, smooth brome, timothy, meadow brome,
and festulolium varieties. The cost is $10.00 per person, and $5 for
additional family members.  A light dinner will be served, therefore
pre-registration is requested. To register: call (517) 676-7207 or email
[log in to unmask]  For event flyer visit

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