

1.	Mid-Michigan Grazing Group 2009 Kick-off Meeting.

Many mid-Michigan livestock producers have access to land that would
make fine pasture, but there is not fence, livestock handling system
or access to water. There are many simple, effective, and low-cost
options to overcome these hurdles. Come April 14, 6:00 p.m. to learn
practical solutions from industry and MSU Extension specialist.

At this meeting you will also see the MSU Forage Variety Trails as
they wake up after a long, hard winter. This is an excellent
opportunity to compare the winter-hardiness of different forage
species and varieties. Finally, what pasture/forage management skills
do you want to sharpen in the 2009 Mid-Michigan Grazing Group Program
series? This is you opportunity to give input for our 2009 season.

Date/Time: Tuesday, April 14, at 6:00 p.m.
Location: MSU Agronomy Farm, located at the intersection of Mount Hope
and Beaumont Road in East Lansing.
Host: Ingham County MSU Extension
Cost: $10/person, $5 per additional family member
Light dinner included: to have enough food available, we request that
you pre-register!

Kevin Gould (MSU Extension) and Don Nevill will introduce us to
affordable options for fencing, watering systems, and livestock
handling equipment.  We will have an array of equipment on hand for
you to see.
Rich Leep (MSU Extension) will lead us on a short tour of the MSU
Forage Variety Trials, where we will have an opportunity to assess
winter-hardiness and early-season growth dynamics.
Betsy Dierberger (USDA-NRCS) will be present to discuss different
fencing and watering system cost-share programs that are available
through the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Dan Hudson (MSU Extension) will lead a discussion to determine the
subjects, locations, and times of our 2009 Grazing Group Events.

Daniel Hudson
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
Ingham County MSU Extension
121 E. Maple Street
P.O. Box 319
Mason, MI  48854
Office Phone: 517-676-7207 ext 7291

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