


  One other item to point out - presenters are
  expected to share a full paper at the presentations,
  which are often longer than the traditional
  GSA-style presentation.  This is a good thing, as it
  is a solid piece that others can read right away. 
  Selection of papers is also done using a formal
  peer-review process, as well.  Thus, the result is a
  true peer-reviewed paper presentation.


  ---- Original message ----

    Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 10:25:02 -0700
    From: Steven Semken <[log in to unmask]>
    Subject: NARST: Wish you were there
    To: [log in to unmask]

    Esteemed Colleagues:
    I've just returned from the annual conference of
    the National Association for Research in Science
    Teaching (NARST) in Garden Grove, CA.  NARST
    publishes the Journal of Research in Science
    Teaching and is also a locus for researchers who
    edit and publish related journals such as Science
    Education, IJSE, J. Env. Ed., and so on.
    In the recent past there has been increasing
    involvement in NARST conferences by geo-ed and
    geocog researchers, but not this year.  There were
    very few of our community present and even fewer
    geo-related talks and posters.  The general
    absence of the geo realm was noted by many, and
    some of the conference organizers asked me to get
    the word out about next year.
    As others on this listserv can confirm, NARST is a
    smaller (~1000 attendees), friendly conference,
    particularly welcoming to first-time attendees
    (you can be matched with an experienced colleague
    who will show you around and introduce you).
     The spectrum of expertise there is quite
    different from one of our discipline-based
    meetings like GSA/NAGT or AGU.  There are many
    social and statistical scientists, but also P/C/B
    science and SFES faculty, and K-12 educators.  
    Our community has plenty to contribute to this
    annual conference.  Networking opportunities are
    Next year's conference will be in Philadelphia the
    week of 20-24 March 2010.  It should be noted that
    the submission procedure for NARST is quite
    different from that of GSA or AGU.  You can submit
    a single paper or poster, or get together with
    colleagues to submit a linked set of 4-5 papers
    (which, if accepted, constitutes its own topical
    session).  Each submission is a presentation
    "proposal" of up to 5 pages single-spaced.  And
    the deadline is early: typically mid-August for
    the meeting in the following spring.
    If you are not a NARST member but are interested
    in the organization and/or the conference, visit

Eric J. Pyle, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geology and Environmental Science
James Madison University
MSC 6903
Harrisonburg, VA  22807

7100A Memorial Hall

"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it"

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam