

There are a couple of really important angles here that I failed to mention,
and I'm kicking myself for that failure.....

Any smartphone is likely to have sensitive personal data on it, if nothing
other than contacts.  And it's likely that a smartphone such as an iPhone
will have sensitive data beyond contacts, possibly including MSU-sensitive
data (or that for another enterprise).

Obviously it's not a good practice to keep such data on a smartphone -- I'm
just saying it's likely that it'll have it.

So if you think about it, it's probably NEVER a good practice to give a
smartphone, or any other handheld data pail, to a random person.

I do not say this to pick on David, whose instincts were obviously
civic.... This is stuff that doesn't occur to you (or me) at first blush.

A couple of years ago my colleague Davin Granroth and I found a USB thumb
drive in a microlab, no label, no way to identify.  We started to plug it
into a lab computer, but then we realized we might see stuff on the drive
that was private.  We instead left a note telling the owner to please come
to the closest lost and found.

It is also dangerous to plug a random USB drive into a computer, especially
if you are running on a Windows admin account.


On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Richard Wiggins
<[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> The owner might benefit to have it back, in case they had phone insurance.
> I believe the MSU Union building is still the best central campus lost and
> found.
> Or, if you wanted to go way above the call of duty, take it to an AT&T
> store and see if they could look up the owner using the serial number.
> /rich
> PS -- well, I suppose it's possible the owner ditched it iPhone in favor of
> a newer model from LG.  :-)
>   On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 1:28 PM, David McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
>> Anyone have any use for a broken iPhone?  I found one cracked open on the
>> sidewalk while biking in this afternoon, let me know and I can send it
>> through campus mail.
>> -- dkm