

Dear vegetable producers and field scouts,

I you are interested in an web site that offers you a place to identify pests in vegetables, tells you  how to scout effectively and identify what you are seeing on vegetables and strawberries, you should take a moment to check out this tool. It was created by a friend of mine that completed Ontario Ministry of Ag and Rural Affairs and recently released.


This site does not require any sign in or personal info and does not cost anything. It does not promote any products. It offers the science of monitoring, identifying and managing pests on vegetables as well as training to scout vegetables and strawberries.  It offers pest management strategies that focus on cultural, biological management approaches and safe application of chemicals with no specific pesticides mentioned.


If you have difficulty accessing this site please call me and I will be happy to help. I think you will find this helpful as you approach the vegetable production season.

Happy gardening.




Vicki Morrone

Organic Vegetable and Crop Outreach Specialist

Michigan State University

C.S. Mott Group for Sustainable Food Systems

303 Natural Resources Bldg.

East Lansing, MI 48824


517-282-3557 (cell)

517-353-3834 (fax)

For information on organic agriculture production please visit:

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