


The physics ed research listserve is having exactly the same  
conversation about qualitative coding software as we were. Here is  
another recommended software program

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Rachel Scherr <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: March 4, 2009 10:46:21 PM GMT-05:00
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Qualitative Analysis Software
> Reply-To: "RPE: Researchers in Physics Education" <[log in to unmask] 
> >
> charles, the people I work with (who do a lot of qualitative  
> analysis) use InqScribe and love it.  It's developed mostly for  
> transcription and subtitling, but you can also code in it.  For the  
> really high-powered coding business they use Atlas.ti.  I haven't  
> used either, myself.
> Rachel
> Rachel Scherr
> Visiting Scholar
> Learning, Media, and Interaction Group
> Everyday Science and Technology Group
> LIFE Center, University of Washington
> Research Assistant Professor
> Physics Education Research Group
> Department of Physics, University of Maryland
> On Mar 4, 2009, at 3:49 PM, Charles Henderson wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I'm sure that ya'll have lots of opinions about qualitative  
>> analysis software.  I have not used any for many years and was not  
>> happy with the usability (NVivo) at the time.
>> But, I am involved in a project where several researchers will be  
>> analyzing open-ended interviews from about 20 people at three  
>> different sites.  So, I think this is the kind of project that  
>> these software packages are ideal for.  But, which one to get?
>> The three products that we are currently investigating are NVivo,  
>> Ethnograph, and HyperResearch.  I'd be interested in any thoughts  
>> about these or others.  Ease of use and the ability to collaborate  
>> between several researchers are important considerations.
>> Thanks,
>> Charles

Julie Libarkin
Assistant Professor, Director - Geocognition Research Lab
Dept. of Geological Sciences & Division of Science and Math Education
Michigan State University
206 Natural Science
East Lansing, MI 48824