

In regards to a mention about moving certain discussions to the MSU forums, I'd have to say I highly disagree.  The MSU Forums in their current configuration are pretty ineffective at the goal they are trying obtain (get a larger audience for discussing IT-related issues at MSU).  As I mentioned in a previous email about the forums, the fact that you have to actively log into the system and check for new discussions makes it undesirable.  I know it's not a flaw of the actual software, because I subscribe to RSS feeds for several other forum sites that use that same software.  It's MSU's attempt to keep these forums completely private to the MSU community which disallows basic RSS feed subscriptions.

This opinion is based on a couple month-old experience with the MSU forums (I haven't bothered logging in since then).  If things have been changed, please let me know.

Stephen Bogdanski           
Network Services
College of Veterinary Medicine
Michigan State University