Subject: College Access Resource: Hello, Denise Verner (Association of Michigan School Counselors)thought I might pass this on to the group. Thanks, Brandy ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ****** Hello everyone, A posting on the NACAC listserv announced that a new web site has been developed by the federal government to help students/parents with college access information. I thought it pertinent to share with all of you. Here is the email from the U.S. Dept of Ed and the link to the website. This would have been a great program/website to share with the 600+ school counselors that attended the Promoting the Publics event this past week at Michigan State. Yet another reason for the MDE to create a state sponsored website, listserv, etc for school counselors to get up to date information about postsecondary planning and other counseling related supports! :) Denise Verner Association of Michigan School Counselors I am pleased to announce the launch of an exciting, innovative new was designed by students for students and features first-person accounts of students who overcame challenges to going to college such as peer pressure, lack of family support, and financial barriers. It provides relevant, comprehensive information about why to go, how to go, and how to pay for college or other postsecondary education programs. Young people who may not have considered higher education a viable option will be engaged, informed, and inspired to create their own "roadmap" to college. We want to make sure that all students are aware of, and we need your help to make that happen. To support this site, you can: * Establish a link to on your website (preferably your home page) * Notify your staff, membership or constituents about through email * Contact Department of Education staff at [log in to unmask] if you need more information or have speaking or exhibiting opportunities with your organization at which we may introduce Please join with me in ensuring all students learn about this resource. Sara Martinez Tucker Under Secretary U.S. Department of Education