

This is your opportunity to join other farmers and school food service directors in learning more about the Farm to School Program.  

Farm to School Programs are popping up all over the U.S. These programs connect schools with local farms with the objectives of serving healthy meals in school cafeterias, improving student nutrition, providing health and nutrition education opportunities that will last a lifetime, and supporting local farmers.  If you are not already familiar with the Farm to School Program, this program will be a worthwhile evening. 

Come prepared to  learn about how you can become involved in placing more Michigan grown food on school menus. We plan to make sure  food service directors are aware of all the Michigan grown fruits  and vegetables available to them and during what seasons, and  help farmers learn how to get their products into local schools  and what food service directors need.  If you are already familiar with the Farm to School 

****Program, the  evening will be an excellent opportunity to make connections with local farmers, as well as learn how other food service  directors are using the Farm to School Program.  There will also be plenty of time for asking and getting answers to your questions. 
Farm to School
August 11th
7:00 pm
Lakeview Middle School Cafeteria
300 South 28th Street
Battle Creek MI
Presenters for the
evening include:
Collen Matts, Farm
to School Outreach
Specialist, C.S. Mott
Group, Michigan
State University
Paul Yettaw, Food
Service Director
Lakeview School
Brigette Leach,
Avalon Farms and
Battle Creek
Farmers Market

*****To reserve your seat, or for more information, contact:
Paul Yettaw at 269-565-3757 or Brigette Leach at 269-746-4648****