As I stated in a previous email, my name is David Brown and I am on the managing committee of the Manchester Farmers' Market. The Manchester Farmers' Market has started a Farmers' Market at the Ann Arbor Antiques Market located at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds. The first time a Vendor attends the Market, whether for one day or for the entire weekend, admission to the Market is free. The next Market is this weekend July 19th & 20th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. All of the other information for the Market is contained in the Rules and Regulations attached to this email. If you have any additional questions, please email me or call me at (734) 926-1206. Respectfully, David Brown If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar