- This new online publication features Titus Farms outside Leslie that I hope people on this list will enjoy. The video focuses on how young Rebecca Titus hopes to build on her success with offering organic fruits and vegetables through Community-Supported Agriculture contracts. If you visit the site, you will also see a video on using a crimper from the Cover Crops Workshop at the Kellogg Biological Station last month. List manager Vicki Morrone did a great job of producing the workshop, and we will continue to offer more videos of the speakers. The current issue also features information on marketing (how to tell your farm's story and building a great farm Web site), as well as advice from MSU large animal vet Dr. Ron Erskine on what it takes to get started raising animals. Please also take a moment to visit other sections, such as our Food for Thought area that features a number of historical documents on organic practices that you can download. I am editor and publisher Bonnie Bucqueroux, who was managing editor of Michigan Farmer many years ago. I have recently been teaching digital journalism at Michigan State, though I retired last week so that I can devote full-time to making this new online "magazine" a success. I hope you like what you see, please share the link with others. Coming up soon is a feature with MSU hoophouse specialist Adam Montri on building a hoophouse. Please also e-mail me at [log in to unmask] with any ideas about stories you'd like to see (and please offer yourself and your farm as a subject for a feature). Thanks - Bonnie Bucqueroux If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar