

As I stated in a previous email, my name is David Brown and I am on the managing committee of the Manchester Farmers’ Market.  The Manchester Farmers’ Market has started a Farmers’ Market at the Ann Arbor Antiques Market located at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds.  We have recently obtained permission to hold the Farmers' Market in Building F at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds. By holding the Market in Building F, we are now able to offer Vendors four new and unique benefits.  First,Vendors will be completely sheltered from the elements.  Second, Vendors will now be able to enter and leave the Market at any time.  Third, Vendors will be able to park their vehicles and/or trailers in the building and sell their products directly from their vehicles and/or trailers.  Finally, since the building is so large, each vendor may use as much space as he or she desires.  The first time a Vendor attends the Market, whether for one day or for the entire weekend, admission to the 
Market is free. The next Market is this weekend June 14th  15th 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  All of the other information for the Market is contained in the Rules and Regulations attached to this email.  If you have any additional questions, please email me or call me at (734) 926-1206.

David Brown

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