

Hi everyone,


I have been invited to participate in a panel discussion at a workshop
conducted by the National Academies' Board on Science Education at the end
of June. I've been asked to provide a brief presentation summarizing the
major findings from geoscience education research and identifying directions
for future research (see messages below).


Whilst I feel I have a reasonable perspective on these things myself, it
would be great to know that I'm appropriately representing the community of
geoscience education researchers. So I'd really welcome your ideas and
comments under each of these headings:

1)      Summarize the major findings from discipline-based education
research in your discipline (geosciences).

2)      Identify the most promising or important directions for future


Thanks very much for your help and hope to see you all at GSA in October!

All the best,




Dr Helen King NTF FSEDA


Helen King Consultancy

Personal & Professional Development in Higher Education


Tel: (001) 703 505 3358




From: Hilton, Margaret [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: 04 June 2008 13:09
To: Helen King
Cc: Schweingruber, Heidi; Krone, Rebecca
Subject: RE: Invitation-June 30th


Hi, Helen:


Thanks so much for participating in the panel discussion of discipline-based
geosciences education research at our June 30th workshop.  This panel is
tentatively scheduled to last one hour and will include 4 panelists from
different disciplines.  In order to maximize discussion, I hope you will
provide a brief 10-minute presentation that will do two things:


3)     Summarize the major findings from discipline-based education research
in your discipline (geosciences).

4)     Identify the most promising or important directions for future


The other panelists will include Bill Wood, Biology, University of Colorado;
Joe Redish, Physics, University of Maryland, and Art Ellis, Chemistry,
Seattle Pacific University.


I'll send you the agenda next week, when it is more fully developed.









From: Hilton, Margaret [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: 03 June 2008 11:56
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: Schweingruber, Heidi
Subject: Invitation-June 30th


Dear Dr. King:


With support from the National Science Foundation, the National Academies'
Board on Science Education is conducting a series of two workshops on
Promising Practices in Undergraduate STEM Education. The workshops are
designed to explore the evidence of impact for selected innovations and to
provide information to the Wisconsin Center for Education Research in its
effort to expand national dissemination of evidence-based knowledge and
resources to improve undergraduate STEM education.  A more complete
description of the workshop series is pasted below this message.


I'm writing to invite you to participate in a panel discussion of
discipline-based education research during the first workshop, to be held on
June 30th here in Washington, DC.  The overall guiding question for this
panel is: What is the state of evidence in discipline-based education
research?  We are especially interested in the state of evidence of the
effectiveness of changes in pedagogy within individual STEM courses and


If you are interested and available, we would ask you to prepare a short
presentation as part of the panel discussion.  


I hope to hear from you soon about your participation in this important




Margaret Hilton 


Margaret Hilton 
Senior Program Officer 
Center for Education 
The National Academies 
[log in to unmask] 

Numerous and varied teaching, learning, assessment, and institutional
promising practices  in undergraduate STEM education have been developed in
recent years - many funded by NSF-- but little is known about their impact.
The goal of this proposal is to begin to focus on the evidence of impact for
a selected number of such promising practices.  To do this the National
Research Council (NRC) will facilitate two, one-day workshops which will be
overseen by an independent steering committee appointed by the Chairman of
the NRC.  Each workshop will shed light on the state of knowledge on the
selected STEM promising practices as well as suggest areas for additional
research or where a major synthesis of existing research is needed.  All of
the conceptual work described in this proposal will be coordinated with and
provide information and guidance to the work of another proposal being sent
to NSF by the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER).