


A very interesting research study related to adjuncts. See below...

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From: "Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: April 19, 2008 8:39:06 PM GMT-04:00
To: "MESTA members" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [MESTA] adjunct study - participants needed

Hello all
Michael Jeffrey here
Wondering if you could please direct any college and university adjuncts to my adjunct survey...
the link is as follows:
The link takes them to a 50 question survey I created that was to have been my dissertation a few years ago.. finally decided to go ahead with it at this time.
I am conducting my research project into adjuncts and their working conditions, educational and professional development backgrounds, reflective practices, and issues and concerns
All responses are anonymous, and will help advance the field of educational theory as well as give voice to the voiceless.
If anyone wants to follow up with an optional interview, please feel free to contact me via email or phone (989) 627 4193
This is a mixed methods research project, with the entry data being quantitative in nature, followed by qualitative ethnographic research into adjunct members lives, their education, their classroom practices, their reflective practices, and finally, their issues and concerns.  This is a chance for all adjuncts to be heard, to have a chance to participate in research that will shed light on the adjuncts plight. 
I am a current part timer, but I have seen the world of teaching through the spectra of both sides - full and part time.  There is a world of difference.  Join me in creating a forum for understanding and research into what motivates adjuncts to teach, how they teach, how they model best professional practices, and how they reflect on themselves.
I thank you all in advance for helping out
Michael Jeffrey
Making the World Better
One Student at a Time