hi folks,

Here's info about a workshop that may be of interest.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Karin Kirk <[log in to unmask]>
Date: March 14, 2008 6:34:26 PM CDT
Cutting Edge Workshop: Teaching Climate Change with Ice Core Data


University of Colorado's Mark Meier and Pennsylvania State University's Richard Alley study an ice core from GISP2 (note the annual dust layers visible in this core segment). Photo Credit: Ken Abbott, Office of Public Relations, University of Colorado, Boulder

June 2-3, 2008, with optional field trip June 4
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

Ice cores from Antarctica and Greenland provide one of the most important archives of the changing climate. However, for many teachers of college-level geology, biology, and environmental science, the basics of how ice cores are dated, how interpretations of temperature are made from proxies, and how gas concentrations are measured remain difficult concepts to grasp. As a result, the science that flows from ice-core research may be challenging to present to undergraduates.

This workshop will help educators understand the current research behind ice cores and provide opportunities for collaboration on developing teaching ideas and methods. The keynote presentation will be made by Dr. Richard Alley from Pennsylvania State University. An optional field trip to the Penn State ice core labs will take place on June 4.

The workshop program, application and logistical information can be found online at http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/climatechange08/index.html. The application deadline is April 1, 2008 and there is no registration fee for this workshop. Travel grants of up to $200 will be available by application.  This workshop is part of the celebrations for the International Polar Year, and is co-sponsored by the U.S. National Committee for Quaternary Research, the American Quaternary Association and On the Cutting Edge workshop series. The workshop is being held in conjunction with the American Quaternary Association biannual meeting at Penn State University in June, 2008

Please contact Karin Kirk with questions at [log in to unmask].