

Hi, folks (apologies to those on both lists for duplication),


We have a session at GSA and need your help.  This is new angle on geoscience education and we’re looking for some invited speakers.  If you have any ideas (including yourself) please contact us.  We hope that many of you will consider submitting a paper for this session.    

-Suki Smaglik, [log in to unmask]

-Ed Nuhfer, [log in to unmask]




Topical Session Number: 176


Publication Description:  Is there a link between our curiosity about how Earth works and our desire to be connected to it? Explore ways for geoscience educators to nurture a deeper understanding of Earth materials and processes.

Rationale: Many people prefer to spend as much time outdoors as possible. That is why many of us are geologists. What is that connection to Earth that draws us to try and understand our planet? Is there a link between our curiosity about how Earth works and our desire to be connected to it? How do our students connect to the natural world they live with? Is this different than our (educated) connection? How do students in urban settings differ in their connection from those in rural settings?

Why do we try to understand our planet? What’s our motivation? For some it may be emotional, for others spiritual and/or religious and yet for others it may be purely intellectual. How can we use this connection to deepen our students’ understanding of Earth processes and materials? Using this connection should allow us to teach to the whole person. Teaching with this connection can motivate our students to become responsible citizens who want a role in managing human impact on our planet.

This session will examine possible answers to the above questions by presenting examples of how we use this connection in our classes, be they outdoors or indoors.



Suzanne M.(Suki) Smaglik

Assoc. Prof., Chemistry & Geology

Central Wyoming College

2660 Peck Ave

Riverton, WY  82501

800-735-8418 x 2146

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"She who laughs, lasts."