Please email it to me and I will post it back to SanNet (Sustainable Ag Network Listserv)
All the Best

Hi folks,

Can anyone provide some criteria for selecting the best push planter for
small seeded vegetable crops? This is for research, so precision is a
must. I have visited several manufacturers online (Mechanical
Transplanter Co., Earthway, Planet Jr., Seedburo, Almaco) but can not
find a review article to help me decide. Fertilizer box is not needed.
In particular, comments about belts vs. plates are appreciated. 

Thanks so much

Danielle D. Treadwell

Organic and Sustainable Vegetable Production

Department of Horticultural Sciences

University of Florida

Fifield Hall Room 1243

PO Box 110690

Gainesville, FL 32611-0690

Office: 1-352-392-1928 # 210

Fax: 1-352-392-5653
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