3. Continuous Learning is for
Agri-Business Too!
Date: November 14, 2007
Contact Person:
Leadership of the Thumb Area
Agri-Business 2100 project is pleased to announce the availability of three
very special courses organized exclusively for the Thumb Region.
November 29th: Agri-Business
Opportunities Unlimited!
by: Mark Seamon, MSU Product Center Innovation Counselor
December 6th: The Nuts
& Bolts of Starting Your Own Food Product Business
by: Ron Steiner, Director
The Starting Block, Inc.
“Growing Entrepreneurs in Food Systems and Natural
December 13th: How to
Improve Your Farm Profit Margin
by: Robert Pettengill, Senior Instructional Designer
Designs, Inc.
All courses begin at 8:30 a.m. and
conclude by 3:30 p.m. Seats are limited and available on a first come-first
served basis.
these courses are well attended and there is an interest in bringing more
specialized agri-business trainings to the Thumb Area we will get moving on the
next set,” Pichla concluded. All classes will be held at ThumbWorks!,
3270 Wilson Street in Marlette. To register or get more information call:
4. Low Cost/No Cost Land Opportunity for New Organic Farmers in Michigan
[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Christopher Bedford
The Sweetwater
Local Foods Market operates with a "Pledge to Our Customers" that
specifies organic (whether certified or not) production practices for growing
the food sold at our market. As a result, we have about 1,000 customers who
increasingly care about and understand the need for ecologically intelligent
farming that works with nature's processes.
One of our
customers has just purchased 40+ acres of land near Fruitport, Michigan. They
are a family of four with two working professionals who want to learn how to
grow food. They are willing to offer land to new, organic farmers in exchange
for food and guidance on growing. I think this is a long term deal because
both parents are professionals committed to their work.
They have
asked me to help them find new/transitioning/established farmers who might be
interested in such an arrangement.
Contact me
DIRECTLY, off the listserves listed above, if you are interested personally in
this arrangement or know of someone who might be interested.
Let me
Peace and good
Christopher Bedford
Sweetwater Local Foods Market
#6543 Hancock Road
Montague, MI 49437
231-670-4817 (c)
231-893-0323 (h)
[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
5. Farm bill amendment deal
Nov 30,
2007 9:26 AM, By Forrest Laws
Farm Press Editorial Staff
Senate leaders appeared
to be edging closer to an agreement on the number of amendments that could be
offered for the new farm bill as Congress returned to Washington from its
Thanksgiving break.
But negotiators were
still trying to iron out last-minute differences on what Democrats were calling
“non-relevant” amendments that kept the Senate from deliberating
the new legislation for most of the month of November.
While press reports had
Senate leaders agreeing to a plan in which five amendments could be offered by
Democrats and 10 by Republicans, Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Tom
Harkin, D-Iowa, and Ranking Member Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., and their staffs
were still working on those numbers at press time.
“Chairman Harkin
certainly hopes to get the farm bill back on the Senate floor next week (the
week of Dec. 3), and an agreement to limit amendments to between five and 10
per side would allow passage within a few days,” said a spokesman for
Harkin’s office Thursday (Nov. 29).
“Party leaders will
need to determine which non-relevant amendments can be debated and voted on,
but the chairman will do everything in his power, working closely with Ranking
Member Chambliss, to speed completion of this important bill.”
The current stalemate
began Nov. 5 when Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada announced he was asking senators
to limit amendments to those that were “germane” to the farm bill
so the Senate could finish its calendar for the year.
Republican senators, such
as Pete Domenici of New Mexico, who wanted to introduce a renewable fuel
standard amendment to the farm bill’s energy title, said Reid was trying
to stifle debate. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky agreed and
Republicans began a series of filibusters against the farm bill.
Meanwhile, the list of
potential amendments has grown from a few dealing with such issues as fixing
the alternative minimum tax and eliminating the estate tax to more than 270.
Reid probably will allow consideration of the former once the Senate begins
debate, observers say.
Farm organizations have
been urging Senate leaders to put aside their differences and complete action
on the $288-billion farm bill so a House-Senate conference committee can get to
work on reconciling the differences between the Senate bill and the bill passed
by the House back in July.
In a letter signed by 19
groups, including the American Soybean Association, National Association of
Wheat Growers, National Corn Growers Association, the National Cotton Council
and the USA Rice Federation, the organizations said they were disappointed in
the Senate’s lack of progress on the legislation.
“We respectfully
urge you to agree on a process for completing the 2007 farm bill before the end
of this year that reflects the broad and bipartisan support for new farm
legislation,” the letter said. “The Senate Agriculture Committee’s
farm bill has broad support throughout U.S. agriculture and rural America and
in the nutrition, conservation and energy communities.”
The letter demonstrates
the change in farm bill sentiment House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin
Peterson and others have noted among farm and interest group constituents in
recent months.
Although several of the
groups signing the letter initially favored an extension of the 2002 farm bill,
they said they now prefer enacting new farm legislation to keeping the current
With the 2007 farm
bill’s baseline “already substantially lower than previous years,
extending current law could also result in a substantial reduction in the
funding available for writing the next farm bill,” the letter said.
“A further reduction would only make writing new legislation that much
Most farm leaders believe
the Senate holds the trump card on the farm bill. Chairman Peterson has said he
believes a House-Senate conference committee can resolve most of the
differences in the House and Senate versions of the bill — once the
Senate passes the measure.
“I think about 75
percent of this stuff could be worked out fairly easily by the time we come
back here in January, assuming the Senate passes the bill in December,”
Peterson told reporters. “And I think the rest of it could be worked out
in a week or so.”
Bob Stallman, president
of the American Farm Bureau Federation, the nation’s largest farm
organization, said he was cautiously optimistic about the chances of the bill
clearing the Senate and going to a conference committee.
If the process drags into
2008, it would not be the first time Congress completed work on a farm bill a
year after it was scheduled. Both the 1996 and 2002 farm bills would have been
dated a year earlier if Congress had finished work on them in the year in which
it started.
One of the amendments
that is almost certain to be allowed is one dealing with payment limits that is
expected to be introduced by Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Byron Dorgan,
D-N.D. The measure would put a “hard cap” of $250,000 on payments
to individual farmers and their spouses.
The Senate passed a
similar amendment to the 2002 farm bill, but the language was removed from the
bill at the insistence of House negotiators during the conference committee