Great Lake Fruit and Vegetable Expo Poster Sessions As of November 9, we have ONLY 5 posters registered for this year's Expo! Deadline for registration is being pushed back to November 23. * The poster session is an extremely valuable part of the Expo as a means of showcasing your research and extension information and meeting one-on-one with Expo attendees, many of who have had a stake in financially supporting our MAES and MSUE efforts. * The poster session location in the Grand Concourse of the DeVos Convention Center provides a high visibility area through which all Expo attendees pass sooner or later.Please send in your poster registrations as soon as possible. *Read the content, below for full details as to who, what where and when. Folks funded by the MI State Hort Society are required to present results in either a symposium or a poster. Regards, Dave The 2007 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO is scheduled for December 4-6 at DeVos Place Convention Center. A poster is equivalent to presenting and the presenter gains free admission to the EXPO. Farmers are very much encouraged to share their farm and interesting work, whether on production or markets. Also, remember that poster contributors now get complimentary registration for the presenting author. Additionally, there is a special registration fee of only $5 each for all other participants having an MSU I.D. - faculty, staff, extension agents, graduate and undergraduate students, etc. Please send your poster title(s), full authorship, and the name and mail/email addresses of the presenting author (i.e., the person to receive the complimentary Expo registration) to me via email ([log in to unmask]) by NOVEMBER 16 (or sooner, if possible), so that we can assure that there is enough space for everyone, can pre-assign poster board sites and host times (see below), and can provide a list, map, and schedule for attendees to use during the Expo. I need the presenter(s) name and address in a timely fashion so that Expo organizers can prepare the complimentary registrations appropriately. We cannot guarantee space and complimentary registrations for last-minute submissions.  Also, please indicate a specific date and time (at least 1 hour, but which day and time during the Expo is your choice) during which you will be available to answer questions about your work. If space becomes limited, we will have to give priority to those who commit at least one of the authors to be present during their chosen time. Certainly, you can spend more than an hour, or can host your poster at more than one time, or have various authors host the poster over the course of the Expo, but we need a commitment of at least one hour to place on the list/map/schedule of posters that is expected to be included in each Expo attendees registration information.  The poster area will be set up with backboards on which you can pin your posters. Each poster (you may have more than one) will be allotted a 4 x 4 ft poster area, as in scientific meetings. If, for any reason, you have a conflict arise for your self-scheduled time to host the poster, please indicate prominently on your poster the revised or additional day(s) and time(s) that you will be available. Attendees also have noted that they particularly appreciate it when posters are accompanied by a folder or envelope containing pertinent brochures, reprints, or 8.5x11" copies of the poster, providing an excellent way for your clientele to retain the take home message of your efforts. Also, please indicate on your poster the contact information for the corresponding author(s), including email addresses and/or office phone numbers so that you can be reached regarding any follow-up inquiries. All are invited to present as many pertinent posters as they wish; however, please also note that if you have been funded during 2006 by the Michigan State Horticultural Society Trust Fund, you are required to present the results of your project in either a scheduled oral session or as a poster. Commercial products, advertising, and reports developed by commercial companies will not be allowed as a poster (that is why we have exhibit hall space). We are hoping to have the poster area set up by late Monday afternoon so that early birds can put up their posters prior to Tuesday morning; at the latest, please have your poster up by mid-morning on Tuesday. Please plan to keep your poster up from Tuesday through the end of the program sessions on Thursday. We will be collecting all posters at the end of the Expo on Thursday for return to their authors, so you should not remove your poster prematurely even if you cannot be present on Thursday to take it down. All collected posters will be available for pick-up in Room B18, National Food Safety and Toxicology Center, MSU campus, after the Expo.  Please note the suggestions below regarding content and manner of poster presentations to achieve the greatest impact in this forum:  1 - Growers attending the meeting have limited viewing time. 2 - Make your poster colorful with plenty of photos and summary graphs, and less text. 3 - Information presented in text form should be in a large font readable from several feet away. 4 - Focus on presenting the highlights of the work or story. What type of content is appropriate for a poster presentation at the Expo:  1 - Results of extension, demonstration, and research work. 2 - Summaries, from previous articles or scientific publications, transformed into posters. 3 - Previously presented posters from other scientific and industry meetings. 4 - Michigan State Hort. Society Trust Fund project reports. 5 - Updated or revised extension advisories. 6 - Institutional promotional literature. The Expo poster session is of critical importance to the program, because we have a very limited number of hours of educational programming; therefore, oral presentation timeslots are insufficient to communicate all that we do during the course of the year for our clientele industries and stakeholders. The Expo poster session compensates for the limited time, providing institutional researchers and extension agents an opportunity to share their timely information. We look forward to learning of your work and projects at this year’s session!