Advanced Hoophouse Grower Meeting and Workshop

This is an advanced grower workshop and meeting for experienced hoophouse or high tunnel growers who are extending their season.

When: Friday, October 26, 2007 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Where: Michigan State University Student Organic Farm 3291 College Road, Holt, MI 48842

Why: The purpose of this workshop is:

To bring together growers using season extension to share experiences, successes and lessons learned on your farms and at the Student Organic Farm

To understand what growers are doing around the state and what MSU and MIFFS can do to further serve season extension growers around the state

Topics to be Covered:

One-layer vs. two-layer poly

Balancing light versus warmth

Crop selection and scheduling


Any other topics that come up throughout the day, so please feel free to bring your own topics of discussion and any questions you might have

Please email or call Adam Montri ([log in to unmask] or 517.432.3381) to register. There is no registration charge but we would like to have a registration so that we have a number count for the day. Salad and beverages will be provided but please bring additional food if you would like. A cooler will be available for your use. • • •••••

MSU Student Organic Farm

Program funded by USDA FSA. Partners include: MIFFS, MSU SOF and USDA NRCS

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Vicki Morrone

Organic Vegetable and Crop Outreach Specialist

Michigan State University

C.S. Mott Sustainable Food Systems

303 Natural Resources Bldg.

East Lansing, MI 48824


517-282-3557 (cell)

517-353-3834 (fax)

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