2. Judging an organic
book by its cover crop
Michigan Farm News Sept
30, 2007
Paul W. Jackson |
There's no incense burning in the tractor, no Allen
Ginsberg poetry on the tip of Jon Findlay's tongue, and no prophesy about the
perils of profit at Clearwater farms. There's no weed killer, and, contrary to common
public opinion, very few weeds to compete with organic spelt, soybeans, dry
beans, snap beans, blue and yellow corn and other crops on the 1,500-acre
Caro-area farm. Not even migrant workers hoeing vast flat fields -
organic and conventional - distract the organic philosophy here, which is
grounded not on outdated perceptions of what an organic farmer should be, but
on the dirtiest word in the lexicon of the anti-entrepreneurial spirit -
profit. The potential for profit - like it or not - has
driven the pursuit of organic agriculture in the Thumb, and growers such as
Findlay can give as well as they take from critics who still believe organic
farming begins with an alternative lifestyle and weed-choked crops. "When we first started, the neighbors would ask
how our weeds were growing," Findlay said as he examined a field of snap
beans with nary a weed in sight. "I'd say 'good. How's your $1.50 corn
doing?'" The counter jab likely had more impact before
conventionally grown corn prices rose above $3, but it still makes an
impression when Findlay and others like him are looking at $6.50 to $7 for
new-crop corn. Not only that, he said, but market variations are not as hilly
as they used to be. "Organic crops are a more steady market,"
he said. "We don't have the ups and downs from year to year. Last year
we got $5.50 to $5.75 for corn, and a premium of some kind has been there
since we started. I have friends who grow conventionally who check the
markets two to three times a day. I check it every now and then." At those prices, Findlay said, he doesn't have to
worry about pushing yields higher every year, although he knows from
experience that his farm's productivity has increased since he and his father
Mike, along with an uncle and grandfather Paul, started making the transition
to organic in the mid-1990s. "Our goal from the start was to be within 80
percent of conventional yields, and we're probably there for beans," he
said. "We're probably about back where we were before we went organic.
And our goal for corn yields is to get as much as we had before. But we're
not trying to grow 200-bushel corn. If we can get 100-bushel corn and make
more money, we'll do it." The
decision While the pursuit of profit has been consistent for
the Findlays - and all farmers - the methods used to achieve it changed
dramatically the first time Jon heard his former high school shop teacher
talk back in 1994 about the money he made on organic crops. Sugar beets were
the Findlay's main crop then, but Jon decided to try 100 acres of soybeans
for a starter. "When we got $20 for 40-bushel soybeans, that
convinced my grandfather," Jon said. "He was the most skeptical
among us all, because he had seen what crops were like before chemicals, and
sugar beets were his bread and butter. Sugar beets had made a lot of guys
good money, so it was tough to get away from that, but we wanted to try. It
was a huge learning curve. At the time, one other neighbor was starting, and
there were no other organic farmers to talk about it with. So we learned from
trial and error. The biggest challenges we had were not being able to apply
(liquid 28 percent) nitrogen to the corn, and weed control." The fear of out-of-control weeds was a major concern
for farmers in the Caro area, said Dr. George Bird, a professor emeritus of
nematology at Michigan State University and a board member of the Rodale
institute, widely regarded as the nation's authority on organic farming. "This may be just folklore by Bird, but I think
it's true that when word got out locally that a few farms were going to
transition to organic, it was not received well," he said. "The
thought was that organic farms are weedy and would be a source of weed seed
for the entire township. So the farmers making the transition made the
decision to make weed control a top priority so they could not be criticized
for that, and I believe they've succeeded in that idea." Weeds As with many organic methods, weeds must be attacked
on several fronts, Findlay said. "With the beans, we try to work the ground two
or three times before we plant, which kills a flush of weeds every
time," he said. "Then we plant, and use a tickle-tine spike two or three
days before they come up. Then we rotary hoe them when they come up. When
they're up and growing, we'll cultivate them three times. All in all, there's
much more labor involved." For tough weeds, especially in corn, the Findlays
use a flamer, in which, basically, propane torches mounted on a tractor are
pulled through the rows, killing the weeds until the crop grows large enough
to shade out its competition. Fuel costs for the operation are worth the effort,
Findlay said. "Sure we use more fuel, but even with today's
prices, all the extra cultivation is less than a dollar per acre for fuel,
and the premium we get more than makes up for it." Nitrogen The large-scale organic approach to nitrogen
application also is more complicated than with conventional agriculture. "We grow spelt instead of wheat," Findlay
said, "and in the spring we seed red clover into the spelt ground. When
it's two to three feet tall, we plow it down for a green manure source. We
also use chicken manure from Herbrucks (an Ionia-area egg producer with
organic production as part of the overall business). We try to follow all the
practices outlined in the Generally Accepted Agricultural Management
Practices (GAAMPs), and so we try to incorporate the manure within 24 hours
of spreading. Then we plow it under. It tends to stay in the root zone of
this heavier ground all winter. We've tried spreading in the spring, but the
results have not been as good as when we do it in the fall." Soil tests every three years are just as important -
if not more - to the organic grower as the conventional farmer, and so is
marketing, which was one of the things holding Thumb-area farmers back from
organics. Processing That changed in 1999, when organic farmers Mark and
Steven Vollmar began cleaning, storing and drying organic spelt, soybeans,
wheat and blue corn. "We were already farming organically, but we
couldn't take our crops to the elevator because it didn't segregate organic
from conventional crops, so we built our own," Mark Vollmar said.
"It quickly grew into a business." During the first five years of operations, the
Vollmar business, known as the Organic Bean and Grain Co., in Caro, more than
doubled, Mark said. The company sells to local, national and international
markets. "Market demand is so strong that we expect to
continue to grow," he said. "There's really no limit to how much we
can expand. In the last two decades, sales of organic products in the United
States have grown about 20 percent annually, and the only limiting factor to
growth right now is the supply of organic acres." While providing cleaning, drying and storage
services for about 5,000 acres of organic soybeans; 2,000 acres of spelt, and
1,000 acres each of Thumb-grown blue corn and wheat, the Vollmar brothers
started out like Findlay, looking for higher value for what they could grow. "The combination of higher values and the
financials are what attracted us at first, but we learned a lot, and now we
eat organic and believe in organic farming," Mark said. "We would
grow this way even if we weren't getting higher prices. We need those prices
to keep the family farm alive, but we will never use chemicals again." Traditional organic philosophy, however, is no
longer the driving force behind most organic farming or organic product sales,
Mark said. "The majority of organic produce bought by the
average American is because he wants to incorporate some organic food into
his diet," he said. "That's what drives the market, not philosophy
or lifestyle. Even farmers who aren't necessarily organic are looking at the
biology of the soil, and the universities and Extension services are
recognizing that the soil is a living organism, and we all need to do more
than just supply the basic nutrients the crop needs and kill pests. We need
to continually feed the soil for long-term sustainability." Practices that promote that idea, like cover crops
and practices similar to those the Findlays use, have helped Vollmar's farm
survive adverse conditions. "With cover cropping and other things that
build organic matter into the soil, we see a little more drought
resistance," Mark said. "We have healthier plants, and while
they're still affected by pests, they have more resistance." Pests There are plenty of things organic farmers can do to
fight pests, which the Vollmars learned after an aphid outbreak when they
first started farming organically. But today, with natural oil sprays, proper
crop rotations, and other things in the works, such as MSU research on
predatory plantings that attract beneficial bugs, they have little problem
with aphids. Findlay reports the same situation. "We can stop aphids with Neem oil, which seems
to be the best thing, but you need many applications," Findlay said.
"It knocks them down, but they come back a week or two later. But I think
what helped us most was beneficial insects. We have a lot of them, and never
bought any." Those beneficial insects may have been destroyed by
sprays under the old ways the Findlays did things, but Jon isn't positive
that conventional farmers spraying for aphids hasn't helped reduce problems
in his crops as well. Even if that is true, Findlay said he's never been
tempted to go back to chemical farming, because the things he's tried have
worked. Rye seeded in the fall and plowed down in the spring, for example,
controls quack grass. That's important to know, he said, because the more
manure that's put down, the more quack grass appears. Findlay said all his trips across the field made him
more aware of how weeds can rob yields. "You can really see it when you go across a
field and see a weed patch," he said. Drought Drought conditions, which robbed plenty of Michigan
farmers of yields this year, are not as great a concern, however. "I've heard that as the farm becomes organic,
the soil becomes healthier, and that as organic matter builds up, the crop
will be better than a conventional crop when both haven't had any rain. Look
at this corn," Jon said during a tour of the acreage. "This has had
only a half-inch of rain in more than two weeks, and the ears are huge. I
don't know how or why it is that way, but it's bigger compared to a
neighbor's corn on the same type soil who uses chemicals." That observation is just one of the facts about
organic agriculture, Bird said, that changed his way of thinking about organics,
and should change the way all farmers think about chemical use. "Regardless of their size or type, most farmers
today know that to remain viable, they're going to have to change," he
said. "So today, farmers are willing to listen to things they wouldn't
have listened to 15 to 20 years ago. Soil biology has been neglected for 50
years now, and back then, people believed that the chemo-technology
revolution would be the silver bullet for agriculture for all eternity. Now
we know that's not true. We can raise crops, but when we degrade the soil
continually, what's the threshold? I've seen sites where farmers gave up
trying to farm because of soil degradation. And on the other hand, I
challenge people who have high-quality soil to find a soybean nematode
problem." While Bird acknowledged that some organic philosophy
has become close to "crossing the line into religion," he said he
believes the pendulum will soon swing from a mechanistic philosophy to an
ecological world view, which holds that resources are finite, and we may soon
run out of replacements for things that have been exhausted or destroyed,
such as chemicals that may become ineffective in controlling some immune
pests. However, economic systems are such that organic farming cannot be
thought of only as small, subsistence systems. "Size in organics relates more to commodity
type," Bird said. "If you're raising soybeans and spelt, you have
to have the acres. If you are growing apples, you may need only 25 acres. So
you can't compare organic vegetables and fruit with crops like that. And when
you cross the border into dairy, livestock and poultry, then organics becomes
small again. So the extremes will be as real as ever, and the middle-sized
farmers might still be left to wonder how they can change to be economically
viable and have a good quality of life." If things are going to change the way Bird predicts,
farmers are going to have to understand that old adages no longer apply. "The old idea that organic agriculture cannot
feed the world like conventional agriculture is no longer valid," he
said. "It can." While Findlay
and Vollmar agree with Bird on that point, the grandiose scale it would take
to feed the world without chemicals isn't of too much concern for them.
They're just trying to feed their families. They're not trying to change the
world or become prophets of wholesale changes in agriculture any more than
they're trying to base their lifestyles on radical poetry or walk their
fields bare-footed in hemp ponchos. What they're trying to do is really quite
simple. They're trying to make a profit. For them, at this time, it works. 3.
Fall Field Goals (Sampling time for crop nutrients) Published
in Michigan Farm News Sept 30, 2007 Natalie Rector,
Michigan State University Extension with organic info by Vicki Morrone, MSU There’s
more to fall than football and harvest. If you are planning to buy one dime of
fertilizer or spread one tank of manure, be sure soil and manure tests are
taken to direct your
nutrient management plans. Soil
sampling Who better to
take soil samples than the person who drove the harvest equipment. They watched the
grain go through the machine, they know where the good and bad spots are. They know
where the tree and stone pile are buried and where the back of the field drops off to
that good black dirt. Take this knowledge and soil test accordingly. Soil samples
should represent no more than 20 acres to reduce variability. Divide fields by the
soil types, which are often reflected in yield and crop performance. If the back half of the
field is darker soil and drops off to the woods, then sample this area separate from
the front half. If there is an eroded knoll that does not perform well, but only represents
a small area, do not take any probes in this area, as it will throw off the sample by not
being typical of the area. If the eroded knoll amounts to a large area, then sample it
separate. Use your field
knowledge to direct where to sample and when to divide samples. If several small
fields are one large field today, then sampling based on how the old fields used to be may
show differences. Soil maps can be helpful in determining soil changes, especially on
rental fields with less personal history. Each soil sample
should be made up of 15-20 individual probes. Sample the area in a zigzag
pattern, randomly reaching all the areas but avoiding the headlands. Dry them on newspapers on
the floor and then mix the dry soil for a representative sample. If someone
familiar with the farm jumped on an ATV, they could probably do over 300 acres
in a morning, maybe half the farm in a day. This ends up costing about 25 cents per acre!
Now think about how much money is spent per acre on fertilizer. Is it worth investing
25 cents per acre compared to what you’re planning to spend per acre on fertilizer? For livestock
producers, hauling manure should be considered the same as planning where
fertilizer would be best utilized. When manure nutrients are directed to a field that
doesn’t need them, and another field will require purchased fertilizer,
there is a missed
opportunity to save on cash flow and recover some of the cost of hauling
manure down the road. Manure
sampling (This can be applied to a crop field 120 days prior to harvest for
organic farms) No sooner than
the crops are off the field, the manure tanks begin rolling. Some livestock
producers only have to complete this task once or twice a year. In these instances, the
opportunity to pull a representative manure sample only comes along twice a year as well. Taking a manure
sample at the time of mixing and hauling will be the most representative
of the nutrients that are going to the field. Combining a current manure sample with an
accurate calibration of the rate per acre will provide data that is not only invaluable for
your crop and fertilizer plan, but will also keep you in conformance with the Right to
Farm guidelines and prepare you for any additional requirements such as comprehensive
nutrient management plans (CNMP) for CAFO farms or NRCS environmental
quality incentive program (EQIP) funds and organic certification by USDA,
NOP.. There is both a science and an art to taking a good manure sample. If
a baseline of manure values
has not been achieved, sample each time the storage is emptied. Then sample every
couple years to keep a check on the nutrients. Remember, it is manure, and varies with
seasons, feed rations and water systems, but a trend should emerge. For systems that
are only emptied once a year, take a sample each year. Systems that are
uncovered will be more variable than under-barn concrete pits, so sample
outside storages more
frequently. Sampling
liquid manure (This can be applied to a crop field 120 days prior to harvest
for organic farms) Sample manure
that is in the manure tank and ready to go to the field. Either dip into the opening
on the top of the spreader or from the bottom unloading port. Semi-solid manure scraped
from the barn will be moderately mixed when loaded into the box spreader. Again,
sample back out of the spreader. Take several samples from several loads,
mixing them together for a representative
sample. After collecting
5-10 sub-samples, mix them and fill a plastic sample jar ¾ full, leaving room for
expansion during freezing. If there is a
noticeable change in consistency of the manure from the beginning loads to later
loads, take samples accordingly. Liquid manure in the beginning loads will be different
from thicker manure toward the bottom of the storage. Mail samples,
frozen, to the manure testing lab, and mail early in the week to avoid samples
sitting somewhere over a weekend. Bedded pack
manure can be sampled by using a pitchfork or shovel, taking 10-20 sub-samples from
different depths. Mix these to obtain a composite sample. Two composite
samples may be a good idea, taking the average of the results. Rate
per acre leads to nutrients per acre A good manure
test is only valuable if the rate of manure application per acre is accurate. Weigh
a load of manure and then measure the square feet that one load covers in a field.
Divide this by 43,560 sq. ft. in an acre to see how much of an acre one load covered. When
weigh scales is not available, use a 5 gallon bucket, packed to similar density of a
manure spreader and weigh the bucket of manure. A five-gallon bucket is approximately
2/3 of a cubic foot. So if you calculate the cubic feet of the manure spreader the
weight could be estimated. Accurate
calibration and manure tests will provide excellent data on the rate per acre of
nutrients. Records Soil tests,
manure sampling and calibration have been completed. The only thing left is record
keeping. For Right to Farm nuisance protection and organic certification,
livestock producers need to be keeping records of manure applications.
Information maintained should include the manure analysis, soil test reports,
rates of manure applications for individual fields previous
crops grown and yield data. Weather data the day of applications is also good to keep.
Other useful items, especially for improving calibration and knowing the nutrients per
acre, include which manure storage the manure came from, how many loads were hauled and
how many acres were covered. Fall is a great
season in Michigan. Take time to enjoy a football game or two but also be sure to
update soil samples, manure tests and calibrate and record manure |
Vicki Morrone
Organic Vegetable and Crop Outreach Specialist
Michigan State University
C.S. Mott Sustainable Food Systems
303 Natural Resources Bldg.
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-282-3557 (cell)
517-353-3834 (fax)
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