Submitted by Morrone on behalf of Erin.


I have been searching for a resource of heirloom vegetable seeds in Michigan, specifically Mid or West Michigan if available.  I would like to continue gardening with heirloom (and organic) seeds that I can harvest each year.  I know about different seed savers and exchange clubs, but none that are here in MI.  Do you know of any local clubs like this?  Please send your info to the list and my personal email: [log in to unmask]




Erin Campbell



Vicki Morrone

Organic Vegetable and Crop Outreach Specialist

Michigan State University

C.S. Mott Sustainable Food Systems

303 Natural Resources Bldg.

East Lansing, MI 48824


517-282-3557 (cell)

517-353-3834 (fax)

For information on organic agriculture produciton please visit:

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