

 Here is something to brighten your day. Let's hope this type of
business building is contagious!



From: Lehman, Barb 
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 9:50 AM
Subject: ANR Communications release "Chefs Among Newest Advocates for
Local Foods, Farmer's Markets"






Contact:  Laura Probyn <mailto:[log in to unmask]> 

517-432-1555, ext. 171


Laura Kassenbrock <mailto:[log in to unmask]> 







            EAST LANSING, Mich. -- It's a summer Saturday afternoon, and
chefs Curt Baas and Benjamin McCoy are standing in front of more than
100 Holland Municipal Farmers' Market shoppers, demonstrating how to
turn seemingly ordinary produce into extraordinary dishes. 

            Baas and McCoy, who hail from Waterfront Restaurant in
Holland, Mich., are participants in the Holland market's Saturday chef
demonstrations, an idea market organizers hatched two years ago after
recognizing a new demographic among their regular market attendees. 

            "We noticed that a lot of local chefs shop here for their
fresh produce and fruits," said Holland market master Candy Todd. "We
thought it would be great to do some cooking demonstrations featuring
these local restaurants and the fresh veggies and fruits available here
at the market." 

            In the second year of the market demonstrations, Todd is
seeing attention to and attendance at these demonstrations rise every
market week among chefs and home cooks alike. 

            Interest in local food among professional chefs is rising in
Michigan and across the nation. This movement is not surprising to local
food advocates, who have long known what some chefs are only now
discovering: local produce is likely to be much fresher and therefore
tastier than any produce purchased from a chain grocery store or food

            The C.S. Mott Group for Sustainable Food Systems at Michigan
State University (MSU) and Michigan Food & Farming Systems (MIFFS), a
nonprofit organization, teamed up in 2006 to form the Michigan Farmers'
Market Association (MIFMA) in an effort to increase interest in local
foods through farmers' markets. 

            The three entities work together to encourage awareness and
support of local foods, and they say that chef support of local farms
helps local economies in more ways than one.

             "Michigan chefs are leading the movement to embrace local
foods and farmers who grow food using more sustainable forms of
agriculture," says Susan Smalley, MSU Extension specialist and member of
the Mott Group. "Dining at the restaurants that buy food from local
farmers lets patrons support two local businesses--the restaurant and
the farm."

            Boatwerks owner and head chef Tom Webb says he uses market
produce not only because he knows it is the best possible product for
the patrons at his restaurant but also because of the connection he
feels with the local farmers and their farms. 

            "It's great to see new stuff every week as the season
progresses from one crop to the next," Webb says. "It's even better to
have the opportunity to talk with the farmers and learn about the stuff
they grow and hear their stories. It really makes it special when we get
back to our kitchen and turn it into something we can offer to our
guests for dinner that night." 

            Webb advertises the use of market food on his menu and on
his Web site, which is attracting more people than ever to the market.
People see chefs as food experts and role models. Knowing they shop
locally is having an impact on the way the public shops for produce,
which is pleasing to the farmers and the chefs alike.

             "It's great to see the community support the market the way
they do," Webb said. "It seems to be a very 'happening' place with
almost everyone in town stopping by to enjoy the scene. We love it."

            To find out more about local food and farmers' markets in
your area, visit the Web site developed by the Mott Group, MIFMA and
MIFFS at <>
, which includes a list of all 160 farmers' markets currently operating
across the state, as well as tips for farmers' market shoppers.









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